Poems made by me pg#37

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Screw it

It feels like I'm on my own

I sit here crying

I'm stuck at home

I'm gonna be here

All day alone

Tell me why

Why is it I have to be lonely

Tell me why

I can't

Be content when it's just me

I'm drowning I

Can't take what's put on me

My clear blue sky

Is only bright

Cuz it taunts me

It's dark inside

I just want you beside me

To hold me tight

Hold me up when I'm falling

Keep me together

So I won't break and hit the concrete

When I'm with out you

Darling I feel so incomplete

And I'm sorry

If I ask to much

It's just

There's no better comfort

Than your touch

Sometimes I feel so alone

And I know that it's crazy

But knowing this

Doesn't make

Anything better for me

I'll know that I'll always

Have to be strong

But I've done this for 19 years

And sometimes the bad feelings gone

It's just that it shows up most

When your not here

And thinking that you might leave

That's one of my biggest fears

*      *      *

Alot has been going on, so honestly I have some pretty legit reasons for feeling the way I do, but lol pshh I'm not going to try and justify the way I'm expressing myself through my poems, remember no-one can tell you your feelings are irrational (even though mine might be sometimes haha.. I know I have issues😛) - if someone cares about you then they should make sure to take your feeling seriously... But anyways I just realized that the number of pages won't match the number of poems now because of that authors note page😫 and it kinda bugs me... But ha oh well I guess 😜✌(this note was kinda long too huh😖)

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