Part 1

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You're my first bestfriend.

You're my first playmate.

You're my first crush.

You're my first in everything.

But I never thought that you'll also be my first love.

The feelings I felt towards you was like a beautiful scenario for me. It was a great feeling for me.

But through out all of that, I was scared.

Scared that you'll look down on me when you know about my feelings.

Scared that you'll treat me with pity because of it.

Scared that you don't feel the same way as I do.

Tell me, what will I do if this fears were true? Would you comfort me like you always do? Or will you just stay away from me?

I need to know, Jungkook.


You walked around his room while running your hands gently on every picture frame that was on his wall.

You saw his parents picture, you also saw his solo pics, and what really made you smile widely was the picture of you and him together.

You remembered that this picture was taken when the both of you were still five years old. At the picture, you were smiling widely while making a peace sign. As for Jungkook, he just smiled while leaning close to you.

You smiled remembering Jungkook's face when you first saw him walk inside the room of your class when you two were still five years old.

He was a shy kid when you first saw him. He never dared talk to anyone, even your teacher. That's why your the first one who approached him back then.

You two became so close because of that. The two of you were so inseparable at that time to the point that Jungkook would always go to your house, that was surprisingly next to his, and sleep over with you there.

You smiled while remembering the happy moments that the both of you did but elementary days must come to an end and now, the both of you are in highschool. Fourth year to be exact.


You turned your head to Jungkook who called you. He was now wearing his sweatshirt and sweatpants that pretty much matched yours. You smiled at him and looked at the picture again.

Jungkook went closer to you and looked at the picture before smiling. "Brings back memories, huh?"

You nodded. "I wish we can be that young again." You blurted out.

Jungkook laughed. "Y/N, that was just 13 years ago. We aren't grandparents yet so chill with that thought, ok?"

You frowned and smack his shoulder lightly. "Sorry if I find puberty disgusting." You rolled your eyes at him.

"I don't."

"That's because puberty really hitted you hard like a truck and you never had a pimple before. Jungkook, it's disgusting!" You exclaimed.

Jungkook laughed at that. "Well, I am pretty handsome for that."

You looked at him while facepalming. "I swear, you're unbelievable. Where do you even got that boastful side of yours?" You said and layed comfortably on Jungkook's bed.

"Puberty." He simply stated and got his tongue out playfully. You grab a pillow before throwing it at him.

He catched the pillow perfectly before hugging it and slouching down on his bed beside you. He looked at you with those beautiful eyes of his.

Friends? or Lovers? || jjk ✔ [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now