Part 3

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Two weeks pass and Jungkook and you maade up. How? Simple, he kept bugging you almost everyday to the point that you were so annoyed by him and just gave in. He kept bugging you for three straight days, even the talkie kept voicing out his apology which you heard for those three days also.

You rolled your eyes remembering that horrible experience before going out of your room.

You smiled when you saw your mom at the kitchen cooking something for breakfast. You went closer to her before kissing her cheek. "Hmm, smells delicious~" You cutely chimed.

Your mom laughed and shaked her head. "Go and sit at the table. It's almost ready."

"You don't want me to help you?" You asked her.

She shaked her head at you before giving you a warm smile. "I can do it. Besides, my work starts late today." She winked that made you chuckle.

After eating, you immediately went out of your house saying goodbye to your mom and dad as you do so. You were now walking to the bus stop when a hand stop you by smoothly wrapping it around your shoulders.

You turned to look at Jungkook who had a goofy smile on. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. "Seems like you're in a good mood. What's up?" You asked.

He sighed happily before showing you his smile. The smile that you find beautiful than yours and any other smiles. But what he said next made you cry inside.

"Hana and I texted the whole night, yesterday! Can you believe that?!" He happily shaked you.

You faked a chuckle before forcing a smile. "Really? Congrats." You said, careful not to show your bitter side infront of him.

But the sudden frown of his face made you surprised. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. "Is there anything wrong?" You asked.

He nodded. "Yea." He scratched the back of his neck before smiling slightly. "I was thinking on asking her out for a date next week. What do you think?"

Your heart shattered but you maintained a smile on your face before nodding at him. "If it will make you happy." You said. It's the truth though. You just want him to be happy, even if it means sacrifice your own happiness just to see him smiling out of happiness.

He smiled before going infront of you making you stop walking. Jungkook held both of your hands before smiling. "You're a girl so you know what kind of date a girl wants."

You looked at him before smiling slightly. "You know that I don't go on dates, Jungkook. How would I know?" You said and walked pass him.

He immediately went after you before pouting. "Don't go on dates? Then what do you call about Taehyung hyung and you weeks ago when you were super late going home?"

You sighed mentally. "I told you, it's not a date!" You frustratingly said and looked at him with a frown.

Jungkook eyed you with a 'Really?' look. You sighed and punched his shoulder that made him hiss in pain while you just kept walking away. You were so pissed at him right about now.

What wrong with him?

You immediately sighed. You felt a presence beside you that made you roll your eyes. "I told you Jungkook-" You trailed off when you saw a different person beside you.

He smiled and winked. "Hi."

You smiled at him. "Sorry, I thought that you were Jungkook." You said to Taehyung who just smiled warmly at you.

"No prob. I just saw him talking with Hana 2 minutes ago." He said and looked at you.

Your expression pretty much change at what you heard. Right. He, once again, ditched you for Hana. You chuckled at the thought.

Friends? or Lovers? || jjk ✔ [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now