Sneek peek: a sequel

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Taehyung smiled as he eyed Jungkook and you dancing in the middle of the garden where the wedding's reception is being held.

He saw how you smiled every now and then as Jungkook held you close to him. He saw how you laugh at everything Jungkook say to you. He saw how complete you have become when you were in his friend's arms.

He can't help but be happy for the two of you. Even though he still loves you, he was happy to see you that happy.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

He sighed and looked at you who has that same beautiful smile that he fell in love with. He really love your smile. Maybe that's why he helped Jungkook that day to meet you.

He was the one who should meet you that day, but he sacrificed that just to see Jungkook and you happy. He can't stand seeing you or Jungkook sad.

Taehyung was the kind of person who will do anything to make you smile in anyway he can.

He was that kind of person to sacrifice his own happiness for the person he cherish the most.

Taehyung sighed before looking down, half in sadness and half in delight.

His eyes stung a little as he laughed it off. He can't even cry properly because he knew he has no rights to.

I should be happy for them.

He sighed and stood up from his seat. Namjoon who was beside him, eyed him questioningly. "Where are you going?"

Taehyung smiled at his hyung. "I just need fresh air. I'll be back." He said.

Namjoon gave him a worried expression. "You want me to go with you?"

"Nah." Taehyung shaked his head slowly. "I'm fine with just myself, hyung."

"You sure."

"Yes. I'm sure." He answered and walked away from the place.

Carrying his tux's blazer in his right arm, he unbutton two buttons of his long-sleeve before going to the seashore that was extremely close to where the reception of the wedding was held.

He sighed when he felt the calming breeze from where he was standing. Taehyung decided to go further to the sea where he can feel the water under his feet.

He smiled when it hit his feet. It made him calm somehow as he watch the sunset slowly go down in front of him.

When will I find you?

Taehyung couldn't help but ask as he stared at the beautiful scenerio in front of him. He was getting older and for some reasons, he felt left out and lonely.

He sighed and look down in blue as he watched how his feet got slowly sunk up by the sea water he was standing on.

Taehyung felt like crap as he was being so sentimental at the happiest day of his friend and the girl he loves. He was feeling guilty in all of this and he felt so sad at the thought.

But then, a purple scarf flew in front of him catching him by surprise as it rested at his arms, followed by a faint shout.

"Ah~, that's my scarf!"

Looking at where he heard the feminine voice, he stopped breathing for a second as he looked at the girl in front of him who was panting out of exhaustion.

The girl showed a cute smile after looking at him. "Thanks for getting it for me, sir!" She laughed whole heartedly.

Unknowingly, Taehyung smiled. Seeing how the girl's smile resembled his friend Jimin's crescent smile made him comfortable. And he can't help but think that the girl's dimples that showed at the upper part of her cheek near the bottom of her eyes made him warm at the cold weather.

She's very cute.

"This?" Taehyung asked as he smiled, showing the scarf that was now on his hand.

The girl laughed before nodding. "Yes."

Taehyung felt his heart jump at how her laugh sounded to him. It was like a tone that he can listen to all day.

He didn't know why he felt something so weird. He didn't have a clue why he felt that way when he laid his eyes on the unknown girl.

Looking at the purple scarf in his hand and back to her, he extended his arm towards the girl who looked at him.

She slowly retrieved her scarf and smiled warmly at him, putting it around her neck. "Thanks once again."

Taehyung smiled. "It's nothing."

He didn't know why he was smiling so much though. All he knows at the moment was that he was feeling so warm around her presence. She made him feel so comfortable almost instantly just by her smile.

"It seems that you have a rough day?" She started, looking at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows, smile never seem to fade away from his lips. "How can you say?"

She shrugged, smiling. "A guy with a fancy suit, all alone in this kind of place with nothing but the ocean comforting him? That explains something, right?"

Taehyung seem to be intrigued at how she put the pieces together with just a short period of time. "You seem to know more about something like this, huh?" He asked her.

Seeing as how a sad smile formed on her plump, pinkish lips, his eyes began to soften.

"I do, actually," She answered him truthfully, slowly setting her eyes on his figure that stood in a good distance from her. "Well, how it feels anyway."

"You..." Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence as his voice began to slowly turn down, seeing the girl smile a little.

"Well, he broke up with me two days ago because he found someone else." She explained slowly and calmly. Looking at him, she smiled, "You?"

He stared at her eyes before looking at the sun that was now setting making the clouds reflect it's colour.

He sighed. "The girl I love, loves my best friend." He explained, feeling his chest tightening as he do so.

"Same pain.."

"Yet different story." They both finished, laughing it off.

Taehyung smiled at her. "I'm Taehyung." Offering his hand to her, she smiled.

Locking their hands together, the both of them smiled warmly.

"I'm Y/N. Nice meeting you, Taehyung."

So that's a sneek peek for the upcoming sequel, staring Kim Taehyung!✨

I just thought that some of you might think that it's unfair for Taehyung to be left out like that as his feelings were so genuine, yea, I thought of that too. That's why I decided to make him a sequel!

Hope you guys enjoyed the sneek peek! I'm still not sure on when I'll be able to publish it's book but I'll try to publish it soon for all of you! Thanks for understanding, guys! Byeeeeeeeeee~~💜💜💜

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