Part 6

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"Congratulations on the game, Miss Y/N." The announcers greeted you at the lobby of the hotel you were staying at.

You bowed and smiled at them. "Thank you." You simply said but deep inside you were really worried about Jungkook. Why? You just left him there. Even though you were cold towards him you still love and care for him.

You can't hide the fact that Jungkook is your best bestfriend. Even Taehyung and Racy couldn't compete at that title of his. You sighed and held the boquet of flowers in your hands properly. It was given to you by someone you didn't know.

"Miss Y/N?"

You turned your head around to see a well-groomed man standing infront of you with a big trophy on his hands.

"Yes?" You asked him.

He handed the trophy to you before smiling. "This is for you. Congratulations. You were fantastic out there." He complimented you.

You smiled a little before bowing slightly. "Thank you." You said.

At that same moment, a guy that was in his mid-30s came to the guy infront of you with a smile before giving him a hug. You awkwardly looked away because of that.

"Oh." The man suddenly exclaimed, fixing his hat before smiling. "Is this the one who won the game?" He asked the man that gave you the trophy.

The man nodded back at his friend happily. "Yes! Isn't she great at the field awhile ago?"

The other nodded. "She is good." He smiled and looked at you kindly. You blushed and bowed at the two of them for the compliments they said about you.

He nodded and lend you hand. "I'm Coach Dee."

Your eyes widen at that. "Y-your Coach Dee? The famous Coach Dee of the field?!(a/n: guys, this is a non-leaving person that I invented so don't ask if he's real or not because he's not. XD)" You exclaimed, stuttering.

Coach Dee laughed at the sight of you so shock before nodding. "Yes. You know?" He asked you.

You immediately nodded numerously at him before smiling widely. "Who sporty person does not? You're Coach Dee! Every person that came in your hands becomes great and famous athletes nationwide!" You explained.

Mr. Dee smiled at you. "Wow, I'm fluttered that you know much about me." He said and smiled and lend a hand towards you again.

You immediately shaked it this time knowing that it was one of your idols when it comes to sports. "I'm a fan and I never thought that you would be here in this competition." You said, still awestruck at what was happening.

Mr. Dee chuckled at that before looking at the man standing next to him. "I wouldn't let myself miss it, actually. Aside from it's main concept which is sport, my friend here organized the whole competition and he invited me so I gladly came." He winked playfully and the three of you laughed at that.

You nodded and smiled. "My bestfriend and I really like you. He's a sporty person too but never join in any competition like me." You smiled remembering Jungkook. You really wished that you and him hadn't fight so that he was beside you right now talking with Coach Dee.

You sighed but maintained the smile that was plastered on your face. Mr. Dee smiled and nodded. "Well, you should bring him here."

Your smiled fell a little. You looked down before sighing. "Even if I want to, I can't." You sadly said.

Mr. Dee saw your mood change a bit that made him saddened a little. He inhaled some air before smiling at your direction. "Well then, tell your bestfriend that I said hi." He happily said.

Friends? or Lovers? || jjk ✔ [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now