Bonus Chapter: The Wedding

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(2 years later..)

Church bells could easily be heard from the hotel room that you were on. You immediately ran to the living room with just your robe on.

"I'm late!" You shouted and went around the whole living room.

Racy sighed while looking at you while Hana just giggled.

"Yah, don't be so over dramatic." Racy said and went closer to you who was now looking at her.

Hana nodded and went closer to you as well. "Racy's right, Y/N. Relax, will you?" She chuckled before fixing your rollers that was now loose. "Besides, the bride can never be late on her own wedding."

You sighed. "But what if I would be late?"

"Nonsense!" Racy exclaimed beside you. "There's no such thing like that happens. Not to me, not to you, nor to anybody, ok?" She retorted at you.

You sighed as you look at the corner of the room where your hown was perfectly displayed infront of you.

You smiled and went closer to it before examining every inch of it.

You smiled and went closer to it before examining every inch of it

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"It's beautiful, Y/N." Hana softly said begore hugging your side.

You smiled warmly before nodding at her. Racy did the same as Hana and hugged your other side while looking at the beautiful gown infront of you. Your gown.

A knock was heard inside the room that made the three of you looknat the door of the hotel room.

"I'll get it." Racy piped out before going to the door.

You sighed and looked at Hana who smiled at you.

"I'm happy for you. You know that right?" She asked you while grabbing both of your hands in hers.

You nodded before hugging her. "Thank you." You whispered before the both of you parted.

"Hey guys! The make-up artists are here and also your mom Y/N." Racy smiled.

You smiled widely before going closer to the door, greeting the make-up artists and your mom with a warm smile.

"Y/N!" Your mom exclaimed and hugged you tightly.

You hugged her back as tight as you could. "Goodmorning mom." You whispered and kissed her cheek.

Your mom looked at you before cupping both of your cheeks. "We have 2 hours to prepare so let's start."

Your eyes bulged. "2 hours?! I thought that...." Your voice faded at every word your mouth speak up before going inside your room.

Grabbing your phone, you saw the time that made your eyes widen again.

"What the?!" You ran to the living room before lending your phone to your mom. "Who change the time on my phone?" You frustratingly asked.

All the frustration about being late went to nothing?

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