Part 2

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2 months passed and you were still doing what you promised Jungkook. Helping him with Hana.

You sighed before slipping the letter that Jungkook made for Hana into your bag pocket. Yes, Jungkook was now sending Hana love letters almost everyday and was asking you to give it to her personally.

Hana knows that Jungkook was the one who made the letters and she'll always smile warmly at you when you gave her the letters. You really know that Hana was a great girl. She was really nice to you but when you gave her the letters, it was slowly breaking your heart that she'll accept it warmly. It shows you that she was really interested in Jungkook like Jungkook was to her.

You sighed while sitting on one of the vacant tables inside the cafeteria with Racy by your side.

"Now do you regret helping your 'bestfriend' at this stupid lettering thingy?" Racy asked while frowning at you.

You smiled slightly at her before shaking your head. "I don't. If there's anything I regret, that is meeting Taehyung."

Racy's face shows the word intrigued. She leaned in and smiled at you while flashing a cute face. "How so?"

You furrowed your eyebrows at her sudden teasing voice. "What's with that voice?"

"Oh shush, and just tell me the reason why you regretted meeting Taehyung." Racy laughed.

You shrugged before sighing. "He's just really weird." You started before looking at her. "I mean, in a good way but it's just getting annoying at times."

Racy let out a snort. "At least Taehyung knows the word fun."

You looked at her. "Are you saying I'm not fun?"

Racy shaked her head. "No! You're just average." She winked that made you frown. Sometimes you really thought why are you friends with Racy in the first place.

You sighed. "Well, I gotta go. Need to deliver a letter." You lamely said and stood up. "Besides I have practice after lunch."

Racy pouted. "You're so unfair, Y/N. I have Math after lunch." She whined.

You laughed and let your tongue out playfully. "I'm sorry then."

Racy frowned at that while you just laughed and walked away. But before you went out of the cafeteria, you went closer to Hana and her friends table.

Hana looked at you before smiling warmly. "He made another one?" She asked you.

You just nodded and slightly smiled before handing it to her. You were about to go away from them when Hana called you out. "Y/N!"

You turned your head towards her. "Yea?"

Hana went closer to you. "Why are you doing this?"

You furrowed your eyebrows at her. "Doing what?"

She slightly smiled. "Doing what Jungkook tells you to do. I mean, it's pretty obvious that your hurting." She looked at you, concerned plastered on her eyes.

Your eyes widen before you looked down. "He' happiness." You quietly said before looking up to her with a slight yet pained smile. "And he's happiness belongs to you and not mine. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" You calmly explained.

She sighed before nodding. "I'm sorry."

You shaked your head. "You don't need to say sorry, Hana. You didn't do anything wrong. I just wish that you make him happy. Seeing him happy makes me kinda happy too. He's my bestfriend after all." You smiled at her.

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