Part 5

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You sniffed while sitting on your bed. You went home, almost slipping most of the time, while running away from them. From Jungkook.

You wipe the tears away that continuesly fell. You angrily wiped it off. "Ugh! Why can't you just stop already?!" You angrily asked yourself.

You look pathetic and you know it so well. You stood up from your bed before going around it. You kneeled down before extending your hand only to feel a hard substance underneath your bed. You sniffed and pulled it.

You smiled slightly at the sight of the guitar case that was now infront of you.

Yes. You tought yourself to love music like Jungkook and now you know how to play the guitar. Do Jungkook know? No, he doesn't.

It was one of the surprise you were suppose to show to him but this happened and it was a disaster. You sniffed and opened the case to reveal the acoustic guitar. It was already 2 years since you first tried it and you mustered it quite well. Only your mom and dad knows that you can play.

You sighed grab the guitar while sitting on your bed. You grab your notebook and pen on your bed side table before sighing. You opened the notebook only to see the song you composed for Jungkook.

You shut your eyes close before strumming the first cords of the song begore singing it. Without even knowing, your tears once again fell down your eyes. You smiled bitterly before lying down on your bed while still playing your guitar.

You feel empty.

You feel mix emotions.

You feel hurt.

You felt like you're about to go crazy anytime soon. You just want it all to just stop. You can't take it anymore. It was just too much.


You quickly sat up on your bed when you heard your mother's voice on the other side of your bed room's door. You stood up while going infront of the door. Sighing, you wiped the tears that fell from your eyes before faking a smile and opening the door.

"Yes mom?" You joyfully asked, even though it was hard for you. You were trying not to show what you really feel infront of your parents. You don't want them to worry.

Your mom looked at you softly. Looking at you, she clearly saw the pain expression you were hiding behind that joyful smile of yours. Fake or not, a mother knows when their child is hurting and right now, your mother felt that you were not okay.

Shaking her head infront of you. "You don't need to pretend when you're infront of me, dear. I'm your mother. You can tell me anything." She said to you. Your fake smile that once was visible slowly replaced by a single sob, then another, and then another.

You cried infront of your mother. As embarrassing as it is, you did. She was right. You don't need and can't hide anything from her.

Your mother sighed before pulling you closer towards her, welcoming you into a warm hug. She suitingly hush you while saying that everything was gonna be okay. You clearly doubt that. It was already not okay.

"Mom..." You sob as you hugged her tight. "It hurts. It hurts so much." You continuesly sobbed, burrying your face on your mom's shoulder as you do so.

She sighed and patted your back softly. "Shh, honey. It's normal to feel pain if you're inlove." She said to you.

You sob. "I want it to stop. I just want it to stop, Mom." You cried once again.

Your mother sighed before hugging you tight. She was feeling pain too. Seeing you, her only daughter, cry like this infront of her because of love was anew.

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