Part 7

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5 days pass by and you were now folding your clothes to put it in your suitcase. Yes, you've made your decision to go to America for the scholarship. For you. And besides, the offer is too much for you to decline.

You sighed and looked at the big pastel green suitcase that was opened for you to use. It's the first time you'll go away, not just from your hometown but also away from where you were born, Korea itself.

Closing your eyes made it much more harder for you. Pictures of you, your parents, and your friends flashed in your mind immediately. They were the ones who you'll miss the most.

Your mom.

Your dad.



Even Hana and Jimin.

You laughed a little when you remembered the last meeting with Jimin and Hana. Not the one in the library, though. It was literally an accident. But the one just a couple of days ago.


You quickly turned around, completely letting all the books in your hands go out of fright, at the person who called you. You can only sigh in relief when seeing two familiar figures infront of you before mustering a small smile. "Hey." You let out and bowed a little at them.

Hana smiled at you, so as Jimin who has an arm around her waist securely making you a little awkward. You still can't believe the both of them are dating.

You kneeled down to pick up the books when you saw a pair of hands picking some of the fallen books. As you look up, you saw Hana slowly picking up some of tge books before looking at you.

You smiled a little when she handed it to you carefully. "Thanks." You said and placed the books on one of the shelves in the library.

Yes, you were in the library for some unknown reason and finishing the work of a student who asked politely for you to finished it. And you don't know why though.

As you were putting the last book on the shelf, turning around made you jump a little seeing Jimin and Hana still there. Smiling at you at the process.

You coughed awkwardly. "Uhh, is there something the both of you want to say?" You asked slowly.

Hana smiled. "Yes." She simply answered that made you a little bit weirded out.

You made a face. "Uh, so you were saying?"

Hana chuckled along with Jimin. "Well, we're just here to congratulate you for the win and for the scholarship as well." Jimin stated.

Your eyes widen. "How did you know about the scholarship?"

Hana chuckled. "Racy could be a little loud inside the ladies room that's why I heard her say that you were going to study abroad."

You chuckled and shaked your head at that. "Well, it's not a secret anyways." You smiled and looked down before looking at tge both of them again. "Thanks for the greetings, by the way."

Jimin smiled. "You deserve it. Making our school proud is the best thing you can do as a student."

You chuckled and walk out of the library with Jimin and Hana following behind. You smiled and looked at them before shaking your head. "No."

Jimin and Hana's faces became a confused one when you said that. You smiled. "Making your school proud isn't the best thing you can do as a student. For me, the best thing that I did was making my friends happy. I don't care about making everyone around me proud, what I care about is my friends that smiled because of what we did. Along those months that I've been with them, smiled with them, cried with them, that is the best thing for me. Being with them. Being with the person you cherish the most is the best thing I could do in my entire life." You chuckled, playing all the memory inside your head. "And now that I'm going abroad? I feel hesitant." You sighed and gave a small smile.

Friends? or Lovers? || jjk ✔ [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now