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You have half of a quote on your wrist. Your soulmate has the other half.




Most times, no one pays attention to the words on their wrist. People go about their day as if it's just like any other. Some, on the other hand, spend every waking hour in search of their soulmate, deciphering the words on their wrist.

Some give up, spending the rest of their days with family and friends, others spend their days in misery. Others live happily ever after, with wrists that don't match.

There's really no telling how your life will turn out, no matter what words are written on your wrist.


You sighed, the morning chill causing you to shiver.

You glanced at your wrist, "It's only ten, I have time to stop for a quick peek."

You smiled to yourself and made a right turn, stepping into your favorite book store. You took a deep breath, sighing in content before taking off your jacket.

"Hello Mr. Park," you greeted.

The man smiled, waving at you from behind the counter.

You held a grin on your face as you walked through the aisles, looking for nothing in particular.

You came upon the mystery section and grew giddy, maybe they had a new book in stock.

You surveyed the rows of books, not spotting it yet. A few people walked by, but the other than that you were the only on in the aisle.

You stood up straight, checking the top row before you would leave.

You hummed a bit as your fingers glided across the spines, your hand coming to a stop when you finally found the book you were looking for.

You brought your other hand up to grab it, when another hand grasped it as well.

"Sorry," you both chimed, smiling in apology.

As you moved your hand, your fingers brushed against his wrist.

Your eyes widened as the words on your wrist began to glow, looking over at the man and seeing him in the same predicament.

You gasped, "Are you?"

He chuckled, "I--I suppose I am."

You glanced at his wrist, "Um...may I?"

"Of course."

"Happy relationships don't just happen. You make them happen."

"So, we're soulmates, huh?"







I may change the chapter count to 10 instead of 15 but I'm not sure yet.


A/N: Ahhhhh I love soulmate aus so I'm excited about this book

I hope you guys enjoyed~

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