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It had been about two weeks since the kiss, but it felt like an eternity. Not for the reasons you'd think, either.

Time seemed to slow ever since Namjoon had gone back to work. Of course, you hung out with your friends in your free time, but you had also come into some writers' block recently. So, needless to day, you were bored.

In between sleeping late and spending countless hours sitting in front of your computer before ending the night with a ceremonious slam of your forehead against the keyboard, all you would do was eat.

He hadn't had the time to call you during the day lately, so you had to settle for getting voice mails at three or four in the morning, telling you about his day and whatnot. He had also sent you a couple samples of music for your opinion, and you'd leave him a small message, telling him how good it sounds or a little bit of constructive criticism. But it wasn't the same as spending time with him of course.

As a writer, even with deadlines you tend to have a lot of time to yourself or time to go out with friends and family, but because Namjoon's job was extremely time demanding, you felt alone a lot of the time. You knew you'd have to get used to it eventually, but it was still very early in your relationship. This was the point where both of you shouldn't be able to spend a minute away from each other and the time where every free minute you had would be spent with each other...

You sighed, falling backwards onto the sofa, turning on the TV and looking for something to watch, just a bunch of depressing crime shows and the cheesy dramas. Well, there's nothing better than a cheesy and depressing crime show. Crime it is.

An hour later you woke with a start, rubbing your eyes as you tried to find your phone, which had started ringing.

You yawned, "Hello?"


You smiled, "Hey Namjoon. What are you calling so early for?"

"It's only seven o'clock."

"I meant early for you,"

He laughed, "Oh, right. Sorry."

"So why'd you call?"

You turned onto your back, staring at the ceiling as he talked.

"Well, we're having a comeback in a few weeks, I just wanted to let you know."

"Oh really? I look forward to it."

Namjoon felt his lips curl up into a smile, "I hope you like it, I've been practicing the dances almost every day."

You wanted to scoff, "Oh I'm sure. Be sure not to overwork yourself, alright? We don't need a repeat of the hand injury."

He chuckled, "Of course."

You both fell silent.

Namjoon sighed, "I"m sorry."

"For what?"

"I know you're probably annoyed or something but I wanted to apologize for not calling."

You smiled, "I'm not angry with you, Joon."

"You're not?"

"I know being an artist can require a lot of your time and that you need to do a lot of things to keep the fans entertained. I'm just trying to get used to it is all."

Namjoon felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, "Thank you."

"You're the best."

You laughed, "I know."

You heard something in the background on Namjoon's end, "Is everything alright?"

He sighed, "I have to go, there's a problem with the recording and they need my help. I'm really sor--"

"Don't worry about it! You go help. I should be going to bed anyways, I have deadlines!"

"I'll call back soon! I wanted to ask about your book!"

You frowned, "Alight."

"Bye," he whispered nervously.

"Bye, Joon."

You ended the call and leaned your head back. It wasn't his fault, you thought. It's just his work. If he had the choice he would totally drop everything to hang out with you.

But he does have a choice, you sighed, you're being ridiculous. That choice would be to abandon his work and procrastinate just so you could stop feeling lonely. You just needed one date. One outing together. Even a video call or two would suffice. Just one gesture that showed you that he's not all work and no play.

You scoffed at yourself, slapping your cheek lightly with your hand, "No. I am...I am a strong, independent woman. That doesn't need a man to make me happy."

You stood up with a new feeling of confidence, only to slink back down and cover yourself with a blanket, "But that doesn't mean a man can't make me happy..."

Your phone buzzed. You knew it wasn't Namjoon so you picked it up.

(F/N): sup y/n

(F/N): wanna go out for lunch tomorrow?

(F/N): I know you have your deadline soon so I want to make sure you're not overworking yourself :)

You smiled, typing a response.

(You): Sure :)

(You): What time do you want me to come?

(F/N): dang, full punctuation and everything...

(F/N): you feeling alright?

(You): It's nothing

(You): Just a bit bored

(F/N): Well then make that lunch and a trip to the mall!!!

(F/N): I can't have my best friend being bORED

(F/N): But you better tell me what's really wrong tomorrow or else -_-

(You): Or else what???

(F/N): You don't even wanna know...

(You): I'm not ticklish that won't work on me (F/N)

(F/N): gdi

(F/N): anyways

(F/N): tell me yuor boyfriend troubles tomorrow at 12. teh usual spot

(You): your* the*

(F/N): well fuck you too

(You): (:


(You): (:

(F/N): you backwards smiley-faced demon

(You): goodnight (F/N)

(F/N): evil people don't get goodnights

(F/N): .....goodnight

You plugged your phone in to charge and slowly changed out of your clothes into your pajamas, letting out a content sigh when you felt your head hit the pillow.






A/N: so now that this story is caught up with the Quotev version, updates will be slower.
I always update on Quotev first so if you'd like to read this there instead my username is lolacuca 😊

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