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You whined, pulling Namjoon's arm, "Nooo, don't make me gooo!"

Namjoon chuckled, "Come on, they're really nice! Don't be nervous!"

You pouted, "You dont understand..."

He raised an eyebrow, "What do you want me to understand?"

"You've known them for years! It's like I'm meeting your entire family at once, and it's nerve wracking!"

Namjoon smiled fondly and pat your head, "You'll be fine, they'll love you."

You sighed, grabbing your jacket, "Let's go..."

He smiled widely and opened the door for you, "Darling~"

You smacked his arm, "Oh, shut up."

You but your lip nervously, glancing around in anticipation. The boys should be here any second now.

You tried to clear your head by thinking about anything other than meeting them, when you realized this was your first time seeing their dorm, you facepalmed, feeling your cheeks turn pink.

Curse your dumb brain.

Namjoon glanced at you, "Uh...you okay?"

Your head shot up, "Yeah! Everything's fine!"

His lips were pressed into a line, staring at you for a few seconds before turning back to face the door.

You felt him slip his hand into yours, causing a small smile to dance across your lips.

Just then, you heard the door open, a party of six boisterous boys walking into the room. Namjoon stood up, smiling widely at them as you followed, your posture and face expressing your nervousness.

The one with light brown hair bowed his head at you, "Ah, it's so nice to finally meet you, Namjoon's said great things about you!"

You bowed your head in return as the others did the same, "Um, thank you. It's nice to meet you too."

The man you believed to be Hoseok laughed, his smile forming a heart, "Don't be nervous! We're not scary, I swear!"

You giggled, cute.

The boys guides you to a room with a large table big enough for ten. There were about a dozen boxes of food on it and each had the name of a food written on it.

Jin gestured to the food when he noticed you staring unsurely at it, "We didn't know what kind of food you liked so we ordered basically everything."

He chuckled hesitantly when you nodded, a tight smile still glued to your face, "It's fine, I wasn't really hung—"

Namjoon nudged you, silently communicating the fact that it was about noon and you hadn't eaten lunch yet, "Uh, I mean, it looks great, thank you."

Jin smiled, "Take a seat!"

You laughed, "So, you're telling me, that not even two seconds after picking them up, he broke his sunglasses?!"

Jin cackled, trying to get out his sentence, "Yeah! And his face was priceless!"

The table laughed at the memory, even Namjoon chuckling a bit.

You smiled and looked up at him, "Should I be worried about my things mysteriously breaking?"

You coughed into your hand, "Ahem—my plates—Ahem!"

Namjoon blushed and put his head in his hands, "I swear that chair wasn't there when I walked by the first time!"

Jimin giggled and pat Namjoon on the shoulder in mock comfort.

Yoongi set his chopsticks down and glanced up at you, "So what did you say you do for a living?"

Your eyes widened in excitement, "Oh, I—"

"Oh! She wrote 'enigma'! You know that book I was reading a few months ago? That was hers!"

Namjoon interrupted you, too excited to wait for you to finish.

You chuckled, "Yeah, I'm a writer. I have had a few books published so far, but 'enigma' is my best selling one."

The boys nodded, "So do you do like, book signings and all that? Do people recognize you?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Well, yes I do have the occasional book signing, but I don't get recognized nearly as much as you guys. Probably only a few times a month will someone come up to me and ask for an autograph or picture."

They nodded, moving on to another topic to converse about.






A/N: Hello~ author speaking ✌🏻

I hope you guys liked the chapter~ it's was a pretty simple one, not much going on yet, but I promise it's gonna get preeeetty interesting soon ;)

Hint: the next chapter will be absolutely adorable but the one following that will be sliiiightly saddening :)))

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