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Sunday; 3:26pm

Y/N: Joon?

Y/N: I know you've been busy but this is ridiculous and if you have been working this whole time you need to talk to the agency about healthy work hours

Y/N: If you have a couple minutes could you text me back or call me?

Y/N: I gtg but remember to drink a lot of water and eat three meals a day

Wednesday; 11:04am

Y/N: Are you mad at me or something?

Y/N: Did I do something to upset you?

Y/N: I know you guys have to have breaks at some point and I'm sorry if I seem a bit clingy but I just want to make sure you're alright

Wednesday; 10:57pm

Y/N: I just finished another chapter of my book :)

Y/N: Just thought I'd let you know because I remember you being excited about it

Y/N: Oh well, goodnight, Joon. Sleep well.

Saturday; 8:09am

Y/N: I saw you're performance on TV :)

Y/N: You guys did so well.

Y/N: I'm proud of you, Joon.

Monday; 3:17pm

Y/N: I'm going to be gone for a couple days but I just wanted to wish you good luck with the rest of your performances this week <3

Friday; 10:42pm

Y/N: Kim Namjoon this isn't funny.

Y/N: If you're mad at me just say it, I'm not a child I can handle someone being angry with me.

Y/N: I don't even care if you only text me to break up with me just let me make sure you're okay.

Sunday; 2:28am

Y/N: If you want to fucking be like that then fine

Y/N: I'll stop

Y/N: At least I tried

Y/N: Text me when you've found your competence

Monday; 4:39pm

New Message from: +1555-555-5555

555-555-5555: Y/N, this is Min Yoongi. I'm just contacting you to talk about Namjoon.

Y/N: Oh, Yoongi, this is so unexpected. What do you want to talk about him for? Is he okay?

Yoongi: It's come to my attention that he's been acting odd lately and I wanted to known if you knew about the reason?

Y/N: No, I'm sorry. He hasn't contacted me for a couple weeks

Yoongi: I see

Yoongi: I apologize for his terrible behavior. I'm sorry Y/N.

Y/N: You don't have to apologize, it's fine.

Yoongi: It really isn't. You seem like the worried type so I'm sure you've been trying to check up on him and I'm sorry for any stress he's caused you.

Y/N: Thank you, but I don't think he want's to talk to me anyways.

Yoongi is typing...

Yoongi: I'm sorry Y/N, I have to go. I'll try to knock some sense into him for you, alright? :)

Y/N: 😂Thank you, Yoongi. You don't have to if you don't want to. All I want to know is if he's healthy and doing well. He doesn't have to talk to me if he doesn't want to.

Yoongi is typing...

Yoongi: He's doing fucking miserable hand it's his fault for ignoring you in the first plac|

Yoongi: He's doing fucking miserable hand it's his fault for ignoring you in the fir|

Yoongi: He's doing fucking miserable hand it's his fault fo|

Yoongi: He's doing fucking mise|

Yoongi: He's doin|

Yoongi is typing...

Yoongi: He's eating well, and he's been drinking a lot of water. I'll watch him for you.

Y/N: Thank you again. This means a lot to me.






A/N: who's~an~idiot~?

N A M J O O N    I S

angst man

I can't write it very well

sorry about the lack of updates

this update is dedicated to my friend MineCat57 who reminded me that this story exists :)

Bye guys~ Sorry this is short but the chapters should be getting a bit lengthier towards the end (even tho we're only five chapters away from the end oops)

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