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You smiled, carefully taking a few steps before Namjoon stopped you.

"When can I take the blindfold off?" You laughed.

Namjoon giggled, "When we get to our destination~"

You tripped every once in a while on what felt like tree roots, but Namjoon just laughed it off and refused to remove the blindfold. It took a few more minutes of walking until you both came to a stop.


You removed the cloth from your face and squinted your eyes at the sudden change of lighting. You looked around to find a cute setup of blankets and food.

You looked back at him and smiled warmly, "You did this?"

He nodded, a shy smile dancing across his lips. You laughed sheepishly and enveloped him in a tight hug.

"You're so sweet...you made this for me?"

He nodded wordlessly and motioned for you to sit down. You watched him as he removed several containers of food from the basket.

Namjoon chuckled, "Uh, I didn't actually make any of this. I bought some of it and had the other stuff made for me."

You nodded, grinning, "It looks great."

Namjoon remained a bit nervous throughout the picnic, but you managed to get him to calm down after a while. You thought he was so sweet, setting this up for you.

He looked up at the sky, pointing out that it looked a lottle gloomy, "You don't think it'll rain, do you?"

You glanced up, "I checked the weather and it didn't say anything about rain but you never know..."

Namjoon kept making glances at the clouds, causing you to chuckle, "Namjoon, the picnic was really sweet but if you're worried about the rain let's just pack up and hang out at my place."

He smiled, "Alright. Sorry..."

You put a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, I swear. Let's just pack this up real quick—"

As if on queue, you heard a loud rumble. And, almost as if mocking you, a drop of water fell on your cheek. Not even seconds later, you had both messily packed up the food, but it wasn't fast enough to escape the rain. You ran to the car, getting into the drivers seat, soaking wet. You realized that the passenger door wasn't unlocked once you saw Namjoon sliding dramatically down the side of the car. You fumbled to reach the button.


He laughed, shivering in his seat as water pooled at his feet, "So much for a romantic date, huh?"

You smiled, grabbing a towel from the backseat and throwing on his head, "It was sweet, it's not your fault it started raining."

He smiled, his dimples showing, "Thanks. You're the best."

You laughed, "You bet I am!"

You both fell silent, shivering a little as you watched teh previously dry ground get pelted with raindrops. You saw Namjoon look at you in the corner of your eye, but didn't say anything.

Namjoon leaned over and placed a quick kiss on your cheek, using the towel to hide his smiling face once he sat back. You giggled, tapping him on the shoulder. When he turned to face you, you leaned in an kissed his lips. It was soft, but you couldn't stop smiling so it wasn't very serious.

Namjoon laughed and put his hand behind your head, pulling you closer. His hand got tangled in your wet hair, making both of you stop to untangle him before he ripped your scalp off.

Laughter filled the car. You smiled dreamily and grabbed his hand, "Let's go home and dry off, yeah?"

He grinned, "That sounds great."


"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know."

"It's probably Y/N again. I heard him freaking out about a date earlier. Maybe he got laid."

"Wh—Don't use such vulgar language!"

"You know Y/N-noona isn't like that anyways."

"True. She knows how to put him in his place."

"So, what do you think happened?"

"You know I can hear you guys, right?!"


"Well, what's got you so happy then?!"

"None of your busi-kiss--I mean business!"


"Namjoon got a kiss~"

"You mean they haven't kissed before today?"

"Not everyone moves so fast, Yoongi. Just shush."


"I can still hear you!"

"Well, we weren't trying to be quiet, now were we?!"






A/N: oh wow a new chapter AND SOME PROGRESS


side note

namjoon doesn't have a license




ok bye

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