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You smiled, "Namjoon, let's go this way!"

He laughed and nodded, following you.

The two of you were at a park and decided to just walk around for a bit, for it was a hectic week for the both of you. You both could use the relaxing time.

You suggested going to the park when you both got bored at your apartment, the cheesy movies and TV shows getting to be too much to take.

You giggled and held up your phone camera, "Smile!"

He grinned and framed his face with his hands, showing off his dimples.

He laughed and posed for more pictures.

You smiled, "Beautiful! Stunning! Give me more!"

You both fell into a fit of laughter as you looked over the photos, the setting sun making the sky in the background a light purple-blue. His hair was still styled from the fansign he had earlier that day, so he looked as adorable as ever.

Namjoon quickly snatched your phone and waved it above his head when you tried to get it back, "Your turn! Your modeling career has begun!"

You laughed at his funny accent and smiled, making a peace sign.

Namjoon smiled and you heard the sound of the picture being taken. You laughed and turned around, walking up the hill.

Namjoon stood back and caught a picture of you turning around, your hair swaying and falling in front of your face.

He stared at the photo for a while, admiring your features.

"Namjoon! You coming?" You asked, stopping halfway up the hill.

He shook his head and looked up at you, "Yeah, sorry."

He smiled and felt a blush form on his cheeks, glad that the light from the sunset masked it.

You smiled, grabbing your phone back from him and dashing up the rest of the way, "Race ya'!"

Namjoon chuckled, following after you, "Hey! You cheater!"

Namjoon tried catching up to you but you made it to the top first, pumping your first in the air and singing Queen's "We Are the Champions" in a terrible accent.

Namjoon laughed and snuck up behind you, picking you up and spinning you around.

You gasped and smacked his arms, laughing from the adrenaline rush.

After a few seconds, he set you down and smiled, staring into your eyes innocently.

You smiled, staring back.

You both felt the need to say something after what he just did, a smart-ass comment or a joke, but no words came out.

You stared into each other's eyes, unmoving.

And that was when you both realized that you had fallen in love.






방탄소년단 posted a photo


Best day ever #RM






Let's assume that Namjoon posted one of the pictures you took of him


A/N: I thought about being mean and ending it without an author's note but I decided to be nice and tell you that namjoon is the sweetest i love him

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