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You smiled, "Hey, F/N."

She ran up to you and linked her arm with yours, "I'm so glad you had time to hang out! Oh boy I've been meaning to gossip to you for weeks!"

You laughed, nodding along to her outrageous stories, how did she even know these things?

"So," she drawled, sitting down across from you, "How's the boyfriend?"

You smiled, shrugging, "Alright. Nothing much has changed. He's been really busy with his work."

F/N frowned, "Okay, Y/N, I'm going to be honest with you, I don't like this guy. He may be one of the most beautiful men on the planet, but I don't think he's good enough for you."

You chuckled, "You'd say that about anyone who ended up being my soulmate."

She paused for a moment, "Well, yes," her eyebrows furrowed, "But still. I think he's not spending enough time with you. Even if he is some rap god or whatever, he needs to get to know you better and start prioritizing you."

You shrugged, fiddling with the straw wrapper you had discarded on the table, "I mean, I guess you're right, but I don't want to force him to choose me over his career or anything."

"You're not though! All you'd be doing would be telling him you feel a little rejected or 'second' on his agenda. I'm sure if he's half the person you claim him to be, he'd understand."

You nodded, "I guess you're right..."

She smiled, "Sorry, I don't mean to push you or make you feel bad."

You shook your head, "It's fine, you have to worry about me, it's your job."

F/N laughed, "Anyways, how's the book going?"

You deadpanned, "I ended up killing off like five people."


Namjoon POV

Namjoon twirled around in his chair, tapping his pencil to his chin, "Disapproving? No...What's that word?"

He spent the next few minutes going over every posible synonym for the word before the door opened, almost scaring him off the chair, "AH!"


"Oh, Yoongi, what do you need?"

"I was going to ask if you've seen Jungkook's headphones? He doesn't know where he left them so we're helping him find them."

Namjoon shook his head, "No, sorry. Was that it?"

Yoongi shook his head, "You've been spending a lot of time inside lately."


"So?" Yoongi scoffed, "You have a girlfriend, you know. You should—I don't know—take her out to dinner? Spend some time with her instead of rejecting her?"

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, "Have I really been that secluded?"

His elder nodded, "Yeah, dude, you have. I've gone outside more than you have. You know you don't need to be writing anything right now. We have all of the songs for this comeback. I think you're just doing this on purpose."

Namjoon looked away, "Since when were you my therapist?"

"Since you were being an idiot."

"I'm not an idiot."

"Well you're sure acting like it. Just call her."

Yoongi left, shutting the door behind him as Namjoon was left sitting in his seat, staring at his discarded phone resting on the corner of the table.

Maybe I should call her, he thought, but what if she's busy?

He weighed his choices for a moment before deciding to pick up his phone.


Y/N: Hey Joon, do you want to hang out sometime this week?

Y/N: I haven't seen you in a while and I want to spend time with you ☺️

Namjoon frowned, he wished he hadn't basically avoided you these past few weeks. Maybe he was nervous. Maybe Yoongi was right, there was a reason he was doing this. Was he just scared about where their relationship was going? Or did it have something to do with the words tattooed on their wrists?

"Happy relationships don't just happen. You make them happen."

What was that supposed to mean? Were they going to have trouble? Get in a fight? Or was it just simple advice?

Namjoon sighed, clicking the messages icon and responding to you:

Namjoon: Sorry, I'm busy. Maybe some other time.

He leaned back in his chair, running a hand over his face as his brows furrowed, "I'm such an idiot."






A/N: yes you are Joonie

an adorable idiot

lop sorry for the wait and sorry this chapter was pretty short, the outline I had for this left much to be desired, but things should be picking up soon I think! Love you guys 💕 Bye~

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