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The next few years ran pretty smoothly, Jungkook, Hoseok, and even Yoongi finding their soulmates during that time, Seokjin complaining about being forever alone while everyone else found their soulmates.

He sure shut up when he met his soulmate later that month though.

The rest of the boys went about various ways of integrating their soulmate into the public eye. After yourself and Namjoon, the fans seemed to come to term with the fact that soulmates are for the happiness of the pair, and getting between the couple would infringe on their happiness as well.

Taehyung and Jimin were perfectly content with waiting for their soulmates, as they knew their person would come around eventually, and they knew their soulmates would be perfect.

The boys still lived together, and were as popular as ever. Your books had skyrocketed in popularity, partly in thanks to your newfound attention as Namjoon's soulmate and because of your face reveal. With your pen name gone, you felt like a new person, ready to take on the world and give it what you have to offer with your friends and family by your side.

Namjoon was happy with himself, and with his relationships. All problems or fights with you had been dealt with, Yoongi had found his soulmate and was on top of the world, and could even consider you to be one of his best friends. His soulmate, Eun-Ae, was a sweet girl who worked as a teachers' aid while she worked towards becoming a college professor. She was extremely kind, but also was not one to let others get in the way of her success or the wellbeing of those around her. As they say, you mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Jungkook and Hoseok were still in the "honeymoon" stage as you and Namjoon called it. The two couples were always acting sweet around their partners. Jungkook was less shy around his soulmate, Dae, a photographer for a sports magazine, as they were really shy as well, despite having to deal with intense athletes on the daily. Hoseok and his soulmate, Ki, were almost complete opposites. Ki was an uncoordinated graphic designer who's absolute favorite thing in the world was riding rollercoasters, while Hoseok was an extremely talented dancer, who would die before he would willingly go on a rollercoaster. However, they always seemed to be in sync, compromising with a happy medium. One wants to go shopping, the other wants to watch a movie? They'll just go to lunch instead, maybe reconvene and decide later. You were jealous of how well they all got along.

Seokjin, oh Seokjin, as cocky as he can be, his soulmate, Soo-Min seemed to take those arrogant words right out of his mouth. She absolutely took his breath away without even trying. She worked as an actor, mostly taking supporting roles in television dramas, but recently aiming for leading parts. Unlike Hoseok and Ki, these two were almost like twins. They were both annoyingly confident in their looks and charm (not that they were wrong about any of it, but no one dared fuel their egos), and enjoyed messing with each other on the daily by doing dumb things like replacing the sugar with salt and vice versa. Of course, this led to many arguments between the two, but it never escalated into a huge fight, the two always laughing at the end of the day.

You sighed, shivering slightly as the morning breeze swept past, causing goosebumps to appear along your arms and legs. You pulled your jacket closer to your body, your bag hitting the side of your leg as you walked. You had just left a meeting with your publisher, discussing a concept for a new book you had planned. You had finished your enigma series a while ago, and you had been working on the draft for this book the past few months. Your publisher absolutely adored it, gushing over the pureness of the story. So, now you walked to the bus stop, the first draft of your book significantly weighing down your right side.

You brought your hands up to your mouth, blowing on them in an attempt to warm them up. You glanced at the small shops around you, feeling a small smile adorn your face when you spotted a certain bookstore.

"It's only ten, I have enough time to drop in for a quick peek," you whispered to yourself, changing your route to the shop.

You opened the door, the small bell above you chiming sweetly as it swung shut. You sighed in content when you instantly felt the warmth radiating from the heaters hit you, slipping your jacket off and draping it over your arm.

"Hello, Mr. Park," you greeted, waving at the man sitting behind the counter.

He smiled warmly at you, returning the gesture before going back to helping the next customer in line. You held a slight grin on your face as you walked through the aisles, looking for nothing in particular. You ran your hands over the spines of the array of books lined up on the shelves, stopping every once in a while to inspect the inside covers for a summary.

You decided to try roaming through the adventure section this time around, you had been meaning to check out a book a good friend of yours had written. They had a beautiful writing style, and were under the same publisher as you, so you saw them occasionally in the halls or coming out of the publisher's office.

Your lips pursed in concentration as your eyes observed the many shelves in the aisle, letting out a quiet cry of victory when you had found it. You brought your hand up to grab it, when another hand grasped it as well.

"Sorry," you both chimed, smiling in apology.

As you moved your hand, your fingers brushed against his wrist.

"We have got to stop meeting like this, darling," you heard from beside you, causing your head to snap up in surprise.

You smiled brightly, holding your hand out as you mimicked your actions when you both first met, "May I?"

Namjoon smiled, reaching his hand out for you to take, "Of course."

You grabbed his wrist and held it up to yours.

Happy relationships don't just happen. You make them happen.






A/N: First and foremost I want to sincerely thank everyone who read all the way to the end, those who read a couple chapters, even those who only read the first chapter. The fact that you even considered reading my story means the world to me ❤️

Secondly, did you guys catch the references to the first chapter ;)))) That's why the last chapter was called beginning, I really wanted to show that this story had really come full circle. Anyways, I hope you guys caught some of those things :)

Lastly, I hope you enjoyed the final chapter 😊 It's so great writing for such amazing readers, and I hope for all of you to have a great day, and if you can't, then I hope you can smile today, even if it's just once. Make today better than the last, and strive to do the same tomorrow. I love you all and hope you're doing well ❤️

Again, thank you all for reading 💕 this is lolacucaaa, signing out for the last time ✌🏻

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