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You checked your phone, seeing that it was already ten minutes past when you said you would meet up.

You waved the waiter over, deciding to order your drink before he got here.

"I'll have a [fav. drink] please," you said, handing him the menu once you were done, "And can I get a slice of [fav. cake] as well?"

The man nodded and jotted down your order before leaving to get it for you.

You sighed and blew a strand of hair out of your face, glancing at the door for the thousandth time.

You raised an eyebrow when you saw a man walk in with a cap, mask, and sunglasses, covering most of his face but failing at hiding the bright pink hair. You chuckled and waved him over.

He smiled--or, at least you thought he did--when he spotted you and quickly took a seat across from you.

He lowered his mask and removed the sunglasses, "Sorry I'm late, there was traffic."

You shook your head, "It's fine, I just ordered though."

He smiled, "That's fine, I'll order when he gets back."

You grinned, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

He shrugged, "I just wanted to get to know you better. I mean, it's not like we had a very deep conversation when we met."

You laughed, "True...So, what do you do for a living?"

Namjoon grew nervous, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm--uh--I'm in a group."

You smiled softly, "A group? You sing?"

He chuckled, "No, um, I'm a rapper. I'm in a group called BTS..."

You nodded, "I've heard of you guys! I think I listened to Dope on the radio the other day!"

Namjoon grinned, "Really? Did you like it?"

You nodded, "It was great!"

He sighed in relief, "So what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a writer," you said proudly.

Namjoon was shocked, "Really? What have you written?"

You blushed, "I don't think you've heard of it...It's called 'enigma'?"

He nodded, bringing his hands up to clap excitedly, revealing his wrapped hand, "Are you kidding?! I loved that book! Are you thinking of writing a sequel?"

You gasped, "Namjoon! What did you do to yourself?!"

He hummed when you pointed at his hand, waving it off, "It was just an accident, it's nothing really."

Your mouth hung open, "You say this like it happens often..."

He smiled sheepishly, "People say I can be a bit clumsy at times...But back to your book!"

You laughed at his giddiness, "You'll have to find out~"

You sent him a playful wink as you both chuckled, the waiter bringing your order.

"Thank you. Namjoon, do you want anything?"

He smiled at the waitor, "I'll just have a water, thanks."

You smiled and sipped your drink, "So how long have you been an idol?"

"Well, we've been a group for a few years now. I should take you to meet the boys one day--if you want to of course!"

You laughed, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, "That'd be great!"

Namjoon's phone rang, and he looked at you apologetically before taking it.

"What is it? I'm out right now."

He looked troubled, but sighed, "Can't it wait until I'm done?"

Namjoon looked frustrated, as it looked like the person hung up on him. He sighed and looked over at you.

"Ah, I'm so sorry. I need to go discuss the album concept with PD-nim--uh, the CEO. Do you need me to drive you home?"

You smiled, shaking your head, "No, I'm fine. We can just meet up later, yeah?"

Namjoon looked relieved, "You're the best, y/n. See you later!"

You waved at his retreating form, "Bye!"






A/N: Ah would you look at that! They're bonding

lol I think the next chapter is going to be kind of cute, but keep your eyes out for chapter five ;)

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