Chapter One: Meeting

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~ Horror's POV ~

I woke up again as I was jabbed at harshly with the steel rods. They hooked the rods to me and dragged me out of the now open box and into the blackness of the night.


Calm down.

Save their deaths for later.

Once I was out I was attached to a few more rods, then I got pulled towards a small building. There were lights on, so I assumed that someone was there.

The new therapist?

The jacket and muzzle rubbed uncomfortably against my bones as the door to the building got opened and I was pushed in and against the wall opposite to the door. The rods were detached and left outside as two guards came in with me. Each guard took one of my arms and took me to another door I hadn't noticed, and as they opened it I simply glared.

That glare almost faltered when I saw her.

She stood up from the chair she had been sitting in and stared at me as I stared at her, her light blue eyes matching the bright white bone that surrounded them. She was wearing a white sweater with a light blue scarf around her neck, while black jeans covered the lower half of her.

The look on her face was one of shock, confusion, and fear, and I found myself wondering why.


I don't care.

I can't care.

I won't care.

I refuse to care!

But I do.




Deep breath..

Then she spoke. "I-im sorry.. b-but why are y-you here..?"

My stomach did a backflip and all my calm thoughts went out the window. The guards seemed to sense this as their grips tightened on my arms.

The guard to my right replied in a smug tone, "We're here for Horror's appointment."

"I-I didnt- I n-never-"

"You never agreed to this? But you did. You just didn't realize at the time, Miss Blueberry."

She glared at the guard and he smirked, while the other guard rolled their eyes. "... Just Blue is fine, and I apologize.. I refuse to have this appointment with a murderous psychopath."

I mentally flinched. Okay, that's accurately harsh...

"You can't expect me to be okay with this! I mean, he could probably kill me right here, right now." She continued.


"Furthermore hes had people try to help him before, right? And he killed them... the only thing he cares about is death. ((*Hey there Reaper--)) He's just... he's just a sadistic, sociopathic killer!" She finished.

That time I visibly flinched. Ouch. Although it's true, im RIGHT. HERE.

She looked at me and regret flitted over her face before the guard drew her attention back to him.

"No, Miss Blueberry, I apologize, because you don't have any choice in the matter."

I let out a quick laugh from behind the muzzle, but thankfully it was muffled enough that nobody noticed.

Blue marched around the small couch in the center of the room and up to the guard, now only about a foot away from me. Though she didn't seem to notice. Suddenly her expression went dark and her left eye lit up with a neon blue glow as she backhanded the guard.

"I said... JUST. BLUE." She stepped back again, leaving a dumbfounded guard as her face split into a cheerful smile. "But.. fine. I'll have one hour long session with Horror if it will make you imbeciles happy. Now, if you would kindly leave him on the couch and get the hell out of my office?"

The guards quickly dragged me to the couch and dumped me unceremoniously onto it, then left the room quickly. I didnt take my eyes off of Blue the entire time.

Blue shut the door behind them with a sigh before turning to me. The fear in her eyes returned and she stammered for a minute before clearing her throat and retrying.

"U-umm... d-d-do you n-need t-that..?" She motioned to my mouth shakily.

It took me a moment to come to the conclusion that she meant my muzzle, and i shook my head no slowly.

Little does she know that i can easily tear her apart if she takes it off of me.

But I wasn't thinking of that.




I want to talk to her.

But why?

Why do I want to talk to her?

I should kill her.

There's nothing special about her...

Or is there..?


There cant be.

I can't regret anything.

I can't.

I shouldn't.


....... I do.

((*Aaand theres another part published! It's rushed again, sorry, but... well. I got it done at least. 😁 Anyways I hope you enjoyed~))

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