Chapter Two: Afraid

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~Blue's POV ~

How did I get myself into this situation?!

I carefully walk over so that I'm standing in front of the notorious killer. He's creepy, why wont he stop staring at me?

I noticed a small clasp on the metal... thing that was covering Horror's mouth. As I hesitantly reached for it, occasionally flinching back a bit, Horror seemed lost in thought.

And he was still staring at me.

I undid the clasp and backed away as the metal fell to the floor with a thud. I guess it was heavy...

He opened and closed his mouth a few times as if experimentally and I backed up more.

Fangs. Why on Earth does he have fangs?!

I can't show him I'm scared of him...

"S-s-so... w-why d-did you k-kill...? J-just asking..." I mentally facepalmed myself. Smooth, Blue, real smooth...

He stayed quiet and his gaze dropped to the floor.


"...Y-you can t-t-tell me, I-I won't j-judge..."

A low growl came from him, and I immediately dropped the subject.

"O-ok then... t-tell me w-wh-whatever you want..?"

"And what if I don't want to talk?"

I froze. He even sounded terrifying. But he also sounded...



".... I know you want to talk, so... please. Say what you need to..." I said quietly.

He was silent again, and I was scared that i had upset him even more. But then he told me something I wasn't expecting.




His story...

"I had a fairly small family, just my dad and brother. My father was always... violent towards us, i guess you could say abusive. He would beat me as long as he wanted, but when he moved on to my brother, i stopped him. I took my brother's beatings...

Then one day I woke up to a scream. I ran to my brother's room to find him dead with my father standing over his body. I was scared... but that fear gave in to anger and hatred. I hated him.. I hate him. And... I killed him."

He paused and looked back up to me.

"And then I couldn't stop. First it was neighbors. Then the rest of my town. Then I just... I went from place to place killing. And grieving. I couldn't handle it... I can't handle it."

He's on the verge of tears now, his eyes tightly shut.

"I can't handle this, i can't fucking deal with this!"

"H-hey! Calm... C-calm down!" I stepped forwards, my hands raised out in front of me slightly.

He growled again, shaking. "THEY FUCKING DESERVED TO DIE!"

I paused, then gently hugged him. He stiffened before relaxing against me. After a minute I heard a muffled sob and I hugged him a little tighter.

He needs this. He needs to talk to someone.

And I'll make that someone me.

He calmed down a little and I let go of him.

"...nobody cares..." he muttered, tears still streaking down his face. "They only care that 'Oh yay! Horror's behind bars! We can carry on living our perfect fucking lives, and everything will be AMAZING.' And... im afraid of that. That they dont care."

He looked up at me, searching my face for anything. Probably anger at him for saying that.

But I was just... sad. Regretful. Slightly hopeful.

Sad because he wasn't the heartless psycho everyone thinks he is. I thought he was. He's just grieving..

Regretful because I judged him for his actions as soon as I heard them from the news, and he knows I did.

And a little hopeful because... He opened up to me. He told me his reason. He cried to me...

I can help him.

I will help him.

I'll help him because I care.

Why do I care?

Because I can.

"Well... I care... and ill listen if you tell me things." I gave him a small smile.

He nodded, the corners of his mouth twitching up for a moment before dropping again.

I glanced up at the clock that hung beside the door to my office. It's almost been an hour already..?

I knelt down and picked up the muzzle that had laid on the floor the entire time. "The guards are going to come back in soon."

He nodded and let me put the heavy metal back over his mouth.

I went over and opened my office door, smiling coldly up at the guards. "Well, we're done. Are you able to bring him back in next week?"

Both of the guards were surprised that i was still breathing, then their eyes widened as i offered the second appointment.

Once they snapped out of their initial shock they nodded. I let them in so that they could take Horror, and as soon as their backs were turned I flipped them off and mouthed 'theyre assholes' to Horror. He seemed to find this funny and laughed at it. He was still laughing as the guards dragged him out the front door and shut it behind them, cutting off the sound.

Maybe this wont be so bad after all...

((*I cried a little writing this.. but im proud. Sorry it took a bit to get it out, but here's the next chapter. 882 words for you! Buh-bye~))

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