Chapter Twelve: Problems

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~ Blue's ~

He carried me the whole way back home, anger hidden under the calm expression he was obviously forcing. I tried to ask him what was wrong several times before we got home, but he never responded.

It's worrying me.

As soon as he dropped me on the couch, and I mean he literally dropped me, I knew something was definitely off about him.

Did it have something to do with those weird skeletons..?

"H-Horror? S-stop i-ignoring me..."

He simply began to head upstairs.

I grabbed his wrist to stop him, and he whipped back around to face me with his eye flaring a blood red color. Small sparks of his magic came off of his hands every few seconds.

... this is scaring me more and more.

"Let. Go." He growled at me, tearing his hand from my grasp.

"Y-youre still h-h-having... t-trouble with that..."

He glared at me, staying silent.

I got off of the couch and took a step towards him.

"Blue, stop."

Another step.

"Blue, stop. I cant-"

One more. I'm right in front of him now, staring up at him sadly.

He reeled back, clutching at his skull. "S-STOP!"

I froze.

I'm shaking, terrified.

He's giving me a crazed look, like he was going to kill me at any moment.

"... sit back down... I know you think you are, but you're not helping..."

I carefully moved back until I tripped over the edge of the couch and fell onto it. His hands twitched at the sudden movement from me, but he stayed where he was, breathing heavily and gritting his teeth.

"I need to calm down..." he mumbled, stumbling the rest of the way to the stairs as if he were drunk.

"... l-let... let me h-h-help y-y-"

"Shut up."

I flinched and stopped talking.

He somehow managed to trip his way up the stairs and make it to his room before slamming the door shut.

What really scared me, though, was that i heard a thud a few seconds after he did so.

I contemplated at least checking that he was okay.

He might have hurt himself...

He could be hurting himself...

And I'm just laying here in shock.

I'm still staring at the spot where he had been.

Why won't he tell me what's wrong, or who those skeletons were..?


He called the one who grabbed me 'Dust'...

I pulled my phone out and called Alphys instantly, praying that she would pick up.




"Hello? Blue?"

"I-I k-know t-this is s-sudden, but... p-please come o-over, something's w-wrong with H-Horror..."

"I'm on my way, did he hurt you?! What did he do?!"

"I-Ill tell you w-when y-you get h-here..."

I hung up, then tossed my phone off to my left. I honestly didn't care where it went. I stared blankly at the ceiling as I waited for Alphys.

I didnt notice the tears building up in my eyes before they started falling and I burst into full-blown sobbing. I curled into a ball, not caring anymore.

My crying echoed through the house, cutting through the eerie silence that had hung there since Horror went upstairs.

Soon enough the front door was flung open and Alphys tore into the room, spear in hand, glaring around fiercely.

She ran over to me when she saw my state, the spear instantly vaporizing. "Blue?! Are you okay, what did he do to you?! Where is that asshole?!"

I looked at her, then glanced in the direction of the stairs.

Unfortunately she put two and two together.

"I'll go beat the shit out of him for you, then get the answers out of him." She growled, storming upstairs.

I jumped off the couch, still crying, and ran after her trying to stop her.

Who knew what Horror would do to her...

Hurt her..?

Torture her..?

... kill her..?

I didnt stop her in time.

She kicked the door to Horror's room open, forming a spear in each hand. "COME FIGHT ME Y- ... oh my god..."

She backed up to me, fear written all over her face as she held me away from the open doorway by my shoulders. "Blue, don't go in there... you don't want to see him right now. In fact, you might want to go back downstairs. NOW."

"W-why?! I-is he o-ok-okay?!"

I pushed past Alphys and darted into his room.

He slowly turned to face me, looking more pissed off than I had ever seen him.

He's in a rage...

I froze in my place, unable to do anything other than stare, panicked and consumed by fear, at him.

I blinked and he was suddenly in front of me, making me gasp in alarm and try to back away.

He stopped me by grabbing me by my neck and lifting me off the ground.


Alphys attacked him from the side, aiming her spear at the side of Horror's skull.

He didn't even take his eye off of me as he slammed her across the room and into one of the walls, knocking her out instantly.

I clawed hopelessly at his hand in an attempt to get him to let me go, in my panic not realizing that he wasn't actually choking me.

He growled at me, scaring me enough that I stopped strugging.

"... What the fuck were you thinking you would accomplish with this little stunt, exactly?!"

I trembled at the fury in his voice, closing my eyes tightly with a whimper.

He tightened his grip slightly, clearly not satisfied with the 'answer' I gave him.

"I-I-Im s-sorry! P-please, s-stop..." I cried, renewing my efforts to escape him.

"You shouldn't have called... her. All I needed was time to cool off, but apparently I can't get that in this house. Now, answer me something...

Are you scared of me yet?"

((*WheEZE- I FINALLY UPADATED AGAIN IM SO SORRY... but hey, at least I didnt completely stop? Anyways, hope you enjoyed... might do another one in a bit? 1034 words for y'all.))

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