Thirty One

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Camila's POV- April 2017

I blindly reached for my phone and groaned when I realized it was on the nightstands. Sitting up, I opened my eyes and reached for it. To my surprise, it was Chris who was calling. It was 6 AM, why was he calling this early. He knew it was my day off today.

"Hello" I greeted.

"I know it's early, and I'm sorry for waking you but what's the code to get in? I kinda forgot it"

If he was asking for the code that meant one thing.

"You're here?" I questioned.

That would be the only reason he would be asking for the code. The condo was in a gated community.

"Yeah, I got called up"

I smiled and climbed out of bed as I heard him chuckle.

"Cam, the code? It's actually cold outside and I'm not wearing a sweater"

While I slipped on my robe, I gave him the code. As I made my way down the stairs, from my phone I heard the gate open. Grabbing the keys, I rushed out and smiled when I saw Chris making his way over.

"You're here!" I squealed.

A smile appeared on his face and he nearly fell as I trampled him into a hug. He let go of the duffle bag he was holding in order to steady himself. I cupped his face and pulled him into a deep kiss as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I missed you" I mumbled against his mouth.

He connected our lips together once again before setting me down.

"And I missed you too"

His beard lightly tickled my face as he kissed me again.

"Come on, let's go inside" I told him.

Boba and Bambi were waiting at the door when I led Chris inside. As he greeted the pets, I closed the door and locked it.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something" I said.

"A grilled cheese would be nice"

Of all the meals he could ask for, he asked for a grilled cheese. This is why I love him, he was such a simple guy.

"Do you mind if I shower?"

"Not at all, I'll take your grilled cheese up and have it ready for you" I replied.

He slowly nodded.

"If I'm not out in 15, can you check on me?"

Chris was fully capable of falling asleep while showering.

"I'll check on you in a bit" I assured him.

He walked up the stairs with Boba slowly following. Bambi chose to stay downstairs and keep me company. While I made the grilled cheese sandwiches, I also filled both Boba's and Bambi's food bowls. As I made my way up, I heard a thud followed by Chris saying,

"I'm okay!"

Believe it or not, Chris was pretty clumsy especially if he was tired. I set the plate with the two grilled cheese sandwiches and a water bottle on the nightstand. Just as I finished fixing the pillows on the other side of the bed, Chris walked in.

"What time is practice?" I asked.

"Doc told me to show up at 3:30"

"You're playing tonight though, right?" I questioned.

He smiled.

"Doc actually told me to tell you that I was in the starting line up. I'll be playing second base"

I nodded and watched as he sat on the bed before reaching for the plate with food.

"You can make it to tonight's game, right?"

"Of course" I replied.

He took a bite of a grilled cheese sandwich before looking at me.

"Do you have the pass I gave you last time?"

"Yes, it should be somewhere in my car" I answered.

"I'll let the workers know to direct you to the team lot"

"Sounds good" I responded.

"I say we sleep in till noon"

I smiled.

"Do you need a ride to practice?" I asked

"No, Kike is actually pick me up"

Alrighty then.

"His girlfriend Mariana might ask you for a ride though"

She was a sweetheart.

"I missed you"

He took a bite of his grilled cheese sandwich and smiled.

"And your food"

"Well hopefully your team manager stops being an idiot and keeps you here full time so I can spoil you with my presence and food," I said.

He laughed.

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

I kissed his cheek and proceeded to get under the blanket. Chris climbed up on the bed and looked at me.

"Who dropped you off at the airport?" I asked.


"You know you could have called me, I would have picked you up" I stated.

"I know, but you were tired last night"

Yesterday had been a long day for me.

"Are you replacing an injured player?" I wondered.

He nodded.

"Yeah, Logan Forsythe has a broken toe"

"So you're going to be playing second base" I guessed.

Logan's wife, Ally was a sweetheart. I had gotten dinner with her a couple of times since the season had started.

"I'm willing to play any position"

"Even center field?" I asked.

It had been a while since he last played in that position.

"Whatever gets me game time"

He opened the water bottle and chugged down half of it.

"Thanks for the grilled cheese"

"No problem, now get under the blankets I'm cold" I told him.

As he got under the blankets, I shut off the light.

"How did you keep warm while I was gone?"

"I was forced to wear socks" I replied as Chris wrapped his arm around my waist.

He chuckled and sighed as I pressed my feet against his legs.

"It just sucks that the team is going on a road trip"

Before I could react, he gave my body a light squeeze.

"How long will you be gone?" I wondered.

I had really not kept up with the Dodgers because 1) I was bitter and 2) I was pretty busy with work.

"A week"

Well that sucked, but he was home now and that's what counted.

A/N: He's back!

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