Just a Common Girl (1)

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@Cheshirepeace suggested this, so thank you.

     I stand in the back of the crowds lining the streets to see the prince's carriage roll by. The few times Prince Di Angelo ever rode through the poor part of the city were like a festival. The few people who owned any nice clothes pulled them out from the back of their closets, the only florist around was bombarded with requests of black roses, the flower of the Di Angelo family, but only a few people would get them and the flowers would be thrown at the carriage only to be turned into pulp by the wheels and people chasing after it.

   Me on the other hand, I didn't really care. Sure, I thought he was one of the most handsome people alive, but I had no chance ever speaking to him. Besides, what did people expect? For him to hop out and start throwing money everwhere? If he had to go through this area he came through fast, never stopping, and not even waving at his subjects. 

  So as his black and silver carraige came into view I only climbed up the nearest flag pole to see his beautiful black horses. What can I say, I love horses and his are the best.

   As he passed the part of the crowd I was above I saw a pale hand pull back the curtain. For split second our eyes met, his black eyes curiously watching me.  I must have looked pretty unusual in my brother's old black pants, a plain blue shirt, and my hair being whipped in my face by the wind. Not to mention me hanging off a flag pole.

  --------time skip because I'm not sure where I'm going with this---------

 Days passed since the Prince took some kind of intertes in me. I thought it was just some boring coincied that he happened to look at me. Honestly, it would be hard not to look a girl on a flag pole. Notice the word thought. 

  I was in our tiny kitchen cooking the same stew we always ate when I knock souned at the door. 

  "All get it!" my brother Percy called. He proably thought it was his girlfriend Annabeth. I heard the door open and Percy stop short. 

 "We're here looking for a (Y/H) girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair and (some other defining feature of yours)," a formal voice told Percy.

 I curiously peeped my head around the kitchen door. One of the royal gaurds stood in our doorway. I would have asked my mom what to do but she was out in the fields with most single mothers.

 "Her!" the gaurd noticed me, "That's who I'm looking for."

 "Hold up!" Percy blocked the doorway, "You're not taking my sister anywhere until you tell me what you want with her."

 The guard glared at him, "The Prince has found some interest in her after he saw her the last time he came through your disgusting part of the city. He reqyested her to be found and brought to him, gods know why."

 Percy looked doubtfully back at me, but I gave him a thumbs up. If the Prince only wanted to see me then so be it. I wasn't about to get my family into some kind of royal drama because I was scared of the Prince. To clarify, I'm not.

 "Good," the guard grabbed my elbow as I came to the door, "if you are caught stealing anything from the castel you and your whole family will be in big trouble."

 "Why would I want anything from your stupid castel?" I pulled my arm out of his grip and climbed into the carraige, ignoring the hand of the driver. 

  As we pulled away i looked back at Percy. His brow was creased and his arms were foldled agreesibly across his chest. Let's hope this goes well and I can go back to my life.

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