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as requested by olympic3

  Life was normal, I was in the middle of my shift at my aunt's coffee house on Long Island Sound when a dark-haired boy around 16, my age, burst through the doors. I recognized just about everyone who came in, it being a small neighborhood with few visitors. And I almost never saw kids my age. 

  "Can I help you?" I called from behind the counter, setting down the Americano I was brewing.

  "Yes, if your name is (Y/N)," he answered, glancing down at my name tag. That in fact was my name.

  "Okay, what can I do for you?" I asked.

  "You need to come with me, you're not safe," he said and I saw him glance quickly around the shop. A few of the regulars who came in to read or work glanced up, annoyed at the disturbance.

  I looked over at my cousin who was the only other employee working and he shrugged. "I can't exactly leave in the middle of my shift," I said.

  "You're going to think I'm crazy, but if we don't leave now, and I mean right now, people will get hurt."

  I did in fact think he was crazy. "You expect me to leave with you, a guy I just met so I don't even know your name, because I'm going to get hurt?"

  "Oh, right, my name is Nico Di Angelo and I want to take you to Camp Half-Blood, " he stuck out his hand, looking around the shop again.

  I took his hand and shook it, glancing back at my cousin again who was watching the whole interaction with wide eyes. 

  "Um, okay, Nico. Why haven't I heard of this 'Camp Half-Blood' place before?"

  "It's a place for people who have, um, special parents. You only know one of your parents right?"

  "I only know my mom, how'd you know that?" I asked, slightly scared now. 

  "Okay-" Nico started to say something and then he froze. A second later the building shook.

  "What was that?" I yelped.

  "They found us. We have to go," Nico held out his hand again and I didn't move. "Now, (Y/N)!" 

  He jumped over the counter, grabbed my hand and pulled me hurriedly out of the shop, yelling as he went for people to get out, and fast.

  Nico shoved a helmet into my hand and hopped into a motorcycle as he quickly secured his own. I got on, not knowing really what else to do. Without warning, Nico reved the engine and we were off to god knows where.


  It had been a couple weeks since Nico had pulled me out of my normal life and into the rehelm of gods and monsters. I didn't know who my dad was yet, but I didn't mind. It was strange enough to to try and wrap my head around all the myths not actually being myths, I didn't know how I would comprehend my godly father if I was claimed.

  In the mean time, I spent a lot of hours hanging out with Nico. He told me lots of stores about his exspentionally strange life. It was strange even in demigod terms. We would walk through the strawberry fields or sit by the canoe lake, I'd even convinced Nico to get in a canon a few times. I didn't hang out with anyone besides Nico. I was either with him or reading in some empty corner.

  Unfortuantly, I couldn't sit with him during meals, I had to sit with the other Hermes or unclaimed kids. Nico sat at a table with one other kid, Percy Jackson, who was apparently some kinda of legend around camp. Based of what I'd heard about him, he was a legend for a reason. That boy had been to hell and back, literally. 

Dead in Love (Nico x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now