chapter 2. The Butler and the Eyepatch

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I can feel someone shaking me trying to wake me. I groan "five more minutes mo-" I stop when im about to mention my mom because I don't really wanna break down in front of whomever is trying to wake me. "Miss please wake up." I open my eyes slightly and see Sebastian trying to wake me. I growl at him and his expression of shock changes to amusement. "What. Are. You. DOING?!" I shouted that last part. He just gives me his famous closed eye smile. "im waking you up.  The Young Master wants to see you." I grumble and close my eyes again and turn away from him. I can hear him sigh before the blankets were ripped off the bed dragging me with them. "okay okay! im up, dayum!" I sit up and glare at him but he only smiles. "if im to see him why the hell are you not leaving so I can get ready?!" I shout. "that is improper language for a lady miss-" "my name is Lucia Anders, now. Get. OUT! " I chuck a pillow at him but he easily catches it and smirks before leaving towards the door. He stops briefly to inform me he'll be coming back in a few minutes. Damn him! I walk over to my Hello Kitty bag and look for a change of clothes.  After I find what im looking for (the clothes on the picture but purple this time) I go to take a bath. Heating the water up just right so that I can burn. I hear a knock about five minutes later. Give or take a few. "Miss Anders-" "Dont.. call me that, my name is Lucia or Luci please" I reply before getting out of the tub and wrapping a towel around me and wrapping my hair in a towel (sort of like the chicks in movies where they come out of the shower like that if you understand) and open the door. Ther I see a very impatient Sebastian. "what do you want?" "I told you the Young Master wants to see you" he sayd while frowning at me with annoyance clouding his face. "Why are you not ready yet?" "Well I dun no, how about because I just woke up not even ten minutes ago, then find out the "young master" wants to see me, so I take a bath to get ready and see you standing there like I'm a worthless peice of shit!" my voice rose with each word till I was yelling. "Miss And- Lucia that is improper of a lady" "I don't give two shits, just get out so I can finish getting ready!" I try pushing him to the door but he just stands there before walking out on his own. I lock the door after he leaves and finish getting ready not even bothering with my hair. Sigh. I open the door to see sebastian about to knock again. He looks at my out fit (the same one in the picture but purple) then looks at me with disapproval and something else. oh well. "Miss Lucia that is improper for a lady to wear" I growl and bite at the air in front of him. Oh bite my ass! I walk out and wait for him to lead me to the Young Master. "well I guess that makes me an improper bitch so just shut yo face!" "That is physically impossible Miss Lucia" I step in front of him and squish his cheeks together so he's making this face. -3- Then I cover his face as best I could with my other. "le shut yo face" then I drop both my hands and start walking down the hall. I already know where his office is because of the manga and anime but I don't wanna seem suspicious so I stop and act as if I'm lost. Which he believes cause he sighs and walks past me as I follow. We arrive at Ciel's office room before long and Sebastian knocks before a young voice tells us to come in. Sebastian walks in and I follow behind him. Sebastian chuckles amd says, "It appears Miss Lucia is not a morning person" I snap at him like earlier. I walk over to Ciel's desk and sit on it before cupping his face with my hands and air kiss him on both sides of his face. (like when friends say good bye they kiss the air next to their friends' heads thats what happened). I move my hands away and smile at Ciel. Oh? I chuckle quietly. "Are you blushing my dear Ciel?" It almost came out as a purr. If it could have his face turned an even darker shade of red. "Wh-what are you doing? And how do you know my name?!" he looked to Sebastian but he just shook his head. "I have not told her your name of yet Young Master" I use my index finger and make the come forward motion. He blushes more and leans over to me. "I'm just awesome like that" I giggle. his face has shock written all over it. Clearly he was looking for a different answer. I couldn't help but start laughing. I cross my legs on his desk that im still sitting on. He notices and turns to sebastian. "Sebastian, get her off my desk at once!" Sebastian bowed with his right hand over his heart, "Yes Master." he walks over to me picking me up and setting me down, holding me until I put my legs down and stand up then he releases me. I pout at Sebastian then Ciel for ruining my fun. Ciel clears hos throat. "So Sebastian told me that you bought a bracelet from a weird elderly lady and then somehow managed to get here?" I purse my lips and put my hands on my hips. "Don't doubt me squishy, I know kung fu!" I make a ninja move and he rubs his head annoyed before realising I called him squishy. "Squishy? I suppose there's a stpr3y behind that name?" I nod. "I shall name you Squishy and you shall be mine. You shall be my Squishy." I push his cheeks together making his face look like -3-". I blink at him before letting go and laughing my ass off that I literally fall ON my ass.  I hold my belly in pain while laughing and breathlessly repeat,  "ow my belly." Ciel gives me a worried and confused look before looking to Sebastian for help. "I suggest we take her to her room  until we figure out what to do with her" he replies oh-so-smoothly. By then I have slowed my laughing as tears roll down my cheeks. I sit up and look to Ciel. He nods to Sebastian before looking at me."Whats wrong Lucia?" "whadya mean 'whats wrong'? nothing's wrong" "Then why are you crying?" I feel my cheeks and realise there was wet streaks sliding down my face. Looking at it I start laughing.  "Oh Squishy, its only cause I was laughing so long and hard" He sighs before telling Sebastian to take me to my room. Before I leave I turn to Sebastian and Ciel putting on a serious face. "Remember, fish are friends. Not food." Ciel shakes his head as Sebastian smirks. "I will remember that Miss Lucia." I laugh. I follow him back to my room but my curiosity got the better of me so I left him and explored the mansion. I run around singing 'they're coming to take me away' really loudly with my eyes closed. I hit something hard and bounce off falling on my butt. I look up to see a very annoyed closed eye smile from Sebastian. I huff and place my hands on my hips. "My momma always told me, life is like a bax a chocolates, you neva know whatcha gunna get!" I said in my best forest gump impression. I lay down on the ground. Sebastian sighs. "Miss Lucia we need to get you back to your room." "aw, but whyyyy?! I thought we were friends!" I fake cried with my hands over my face. I looked through a small crevice between my fingers and see a worried look on sebby's face. "Why are you crying now Miss Lucia?" I take hands from my face and laugh.  He looked stunned so I took the oppertunity to stand up, turn around, smack my ass and run for it. (you know kinda like when you tell someone to kiss your ass by hitting it, I guess) He was still shocked but then soon snapped out of it and ran after me. I was laughing the entire time I only got halfway down the stairs before a strong arm was wrapped around my waist. I came to an abrupt stop, that I would've fallen had he not been holding me. I pout at him as he smirks irritatingly at me. "Miss Lucia I thought I told you we were going to your room, did I not?" I shrank down as much as I could. "g-gomennasai." (im sorry) "Now are you going to be a good girl and listen or do I have to carry you there myself?" "no no, I'll listen, no need for the carrying." I smile to assure him that I was telling the truth. He eyed me wearily before letting me go. I stand there and dust of the imaginary dirt. I smile at him and bow. "Sebastian, to you I bid ado" I wink before running down the stairs and into the kitchen hiding in the cabinets closest to the ground. I hear the door open as I just close the cabinet door. I hear footsteps getting louder before it stops right In front of where I was hiding. The doors fly wide open to reveal a very agitated Sebastian. I jump startled and smile nervously at him. He ignores that and drags me out of the cabinet and throwing me over his shoulder. I smack his back and kick wildly trying to get free. His grip on my waist only tightens. I give up and cross my arms and watch the floor. I mumble quietly, "stupid crow..." and he pulls me in front of him, his eyes throwing daggers into me. "what did you say?" I try to make myself smaller. "I said.. uhm... hello crow?" pointing out a nearby window to see a crow there. He eyes me suspiciously before throwing me back over his shoulder. We arrive at my room where he puts me on the bed then leaves locking the door from the inside. I bamg on the door for about thirty minutes before giving up. I decide to go to sleep. I walk over to the bed and lay in it, the blankets pulled over my head as I cry myself to sleep.

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