Chapter 11

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Ciel and Sebastian had gone to town for something when the mansion doors burst open. It scared me a little because I know exactly what little monster opened them. *dramatic pause for effect* Lizzie has come. "Ciel! Where are you Ciel!?" That annoyingly high pitched cry could probably be heard from miles away. I ran straight to my/Sebastian's room and hid under the bed. I could practically feel the house becoming pink and girly. Ick. I heard the doors open once again. "Wh-what happened to my house?!" I bet ciel was fuming. The door to our room opened and in came Sebastian. I moved further under the bed. "Lucia? Where are you?" His voice sounded calm but I bet he was dying inside because of all the pink. I know I was. As if he didnt know already where I was he repeated his question before giving up.  He walked next to the bed then lifted the covers. He knelt down and looked under the bed. My ears were folded back and my tail was swishing around with hate. I heard a small sigh come from him. "Why are you down there?" "Because that monster is down there!" He looked confused for a second. "Monster?" "Yes, Monster." "I don't suppose you mean Lizzie do you?" "No, im talking about the pink mansion. Yes I mean Lizzie!" He sighed again. "Well, the young master wishes for your presence. So you'll have to come out now." "Neva!!!!!" I move all the way to the back of the bed that's against the wall and stay there. He stands up, dropping the covers, before I hear him sigh again. The bed started lifting to show a slightly annoyed butler. He moved the bed then grabbed me before I could dart away into hiding. He placed the bed back where it originally was before throwing me over his shoulder and walking out of the room. I was scratching, hissing, biting and kicking him yet he still wouldn't let go.  He moved my head so his head was next to mine. "Miss Lucia I suggest you cease this or you'll have to be punished later." He whispered in my ear seductively. I swear my face had to be lobster red when he put me back over his shoulder. I stopped doing everything and just stayed quiet. "Much better." "Humph!" I crossed my arms and before I knew it we were next to Ciel. "*Gasp*Ciel who is this!?" Sebastian put me down next to him. As soon as I was put down I tried to make a run for it.  He grabbed the back collar of my shirt. Lizzie came up to me and squealed. "Oh! She has the ears and tail of a cat. She's so cute!" Lizzie started touching my ears and tail and I just flinched and hissed. Ciel glared at me and whispered something into Sebastians ear. Sebastian disappeared somewhere afterwards. Now's my chance! I got outta her group and ran. I was just about to reach the door to the outside when Sebastian was right in front of me. I collided into him and fell on my butt. "Ow!" He bent down before me and placed something around my neck. When I looked down I saw. . . . . . . "A COLLAR!?!?!??!??!" I looked at Sebastian horrified. "BUT WHT?!?!?!" He just smiled at me. "You weren't going to listen to either ciel nor me. So the young master told me to  do anything necessary to get you to behave. And from what I've learned you nor Kat will let anyone put anything around your necks. Not even a ribbon nor necklace. So I figured out that a collar would fit you. I used a chant on it that only I can take it off and that you shall only listen to me." I felt like I died. "Now come along and behave." Its like my body moved on its own. I had no control over my own body as I walked next to Sebastian quietly and calmly. When we got back to the others Kat and Finny were there. Kat had a necklace on her and seemed a little depressed and Finny had such a guilty look. *gasp* Kat saw me then ran over. "What happened?!" "Sebastian put this thing on me. What happened to you?" "Finny wanted to surprise me and put this necklace on me while I was sleeping" I nodded in understanding. Next thing I know, Lizzie is putting everyone in pink. Except Ciel of course. Hell, even Sebastian had pink on. Which of course I laughed at. Now don't get me wrong pink is Okay but when it's an overload then I'm out.

~~~~~~~~~ later that day ~~~~~~~~~~

"Bye everyone!" Lizzie waved before leaving with some chick who I think is her maid? Whatever im just glad it's over with. I go straight to our room and flop on the bed. Slowly but surely falling asleep.

(Sebbys POV)

I walk into the room and notice that Lucia has fallen asleep. She had a hard day so I can't blame her. She looks so cute. She's curled up like a cat, her ears twitching every now and then, with a few stow-away kittens cuddling her. I walked over and kissed her forehead lightly before tucking her in. "Goodnight." I whispered before going on guard around the mansion.

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