Chapter 7. The First Move and The Kittens

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(btw Its back to regilar time before with the party.)

So glad that party is over. I feel dirty in all the sppts he touched me. Yuck!!! sigh. I look at yhe time and realize I woke up in the middle of the night. hm... what to do.. what to do? *dramatic gasp* lightbulb!!! I sneak out of my room being ever so careful not to make a noise as I tip-toe through the house. I look around every corner before I eventually make it to sebastians room. I was really curious to see if he actually hid cats in his closet. He should be out patrolling the masion or what not so this gives me enough time to check and leave before he gets back. I look around a few more times before opening his door and going in. I close the door silently and walk over to his closet. hm... maybe this wasn't a good idea. It's too late to back out now!  I open the closet door quickly. There on the geound was three maybe four kittens. *cue silent scream* I immediately pick them up and cuddle them. As I pet them they start purring and I couldn't help the giggle that escaped.  Just then I heard footsteps nearing the door.  I panicked and ended up in Sebastians closet with the kittens. sigh. As soon as I close the closet door his bedroom door opens and closes. I waited but there was no sound or light. Slowly and quietly I open the closet door to see him standing right in front of me with a mischievous smirk playing his lips. "Why Lucia, what ever are you doing in my room? And how come you are not in bed?" he started chuckling. "I-I was just... seeing something. And I was curious what your room looked like. Also I kinda woke up at round midnight and got bored. So I came here." I shift uuncomfortably. He notices and picks me up before laying me down on his bed and getting over me. I blush like a maniac. "Wh-wh-what ate you doing S-Sebastian?" I wiggle a little embarrassed.  He chuckles before greedily placing his lips upon mine. I was confused and shocked at first but snapped out of it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I could feel his cold hand under my shirt. (lol, whale whale whale... finally moving this along eh?) I gasped and he used that moment to slip his tongue into my mouth. We fought for a few before I gave in and let him win. I could feel his smirk against my lips as our tongues intertwined. His feezing hand started moving up towards my breasts. omg omg, my first time and its with Sebastian! How am I supposed to explain this?! I started playing with his hair before I broke the kiss gasping for air. He kisses his way to my jaw then my neck. "meooow!" I blinked and Sebastian paused. "Meoooooooow!!" Sebastian kisses my neck then lips one more time before getting up and helping me off his bed. "Please wait right here while I feed the kittens." He acts like nothing just happened. I only nod my head then he was off. (muahaha cock blocked by his own kittens!!!!! >:DDDDD DDDD': Im a monster for that I know but meh.)  I sighed and a few seconds later he was back with a dish of cat food and placed it on the floor with the kittens. "Now Lucia, I believe you should be getting back to bed?" "huh? Oh. Yeah. Right. Well then, good night Sebastian." I qalk over to the door and open only to have it shut on me. Then Sebastian turns me to face him, kisses me passionately, opens the door and leads me back to my room. I climb inyo bed and snuggle the blankets slowly drifting off to sleep. "good night... sebas-chan... sleep.. well.." I could feel his warm lips press my forehead gently before falling asleep."Good night Lucia. Have pleasant dreams"

(okay I know, short. heh heh just like me. bit as I said romance with our beloved Sebastian and Lucia.  I wasnt really expecting that to happen it just sort of did so whatever floats your boat. spanks for reading my pretties. read comment share vote whatever you do best. ;3 )

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