Chapter 3. The wish and The Kat

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Waking up I realise its dark outside after looking out the window. I got out of bed and notice im wearing a nightdress instead of the clothes I fell asleep in. Searching for my phone I find it and see Kat has blown up my phone with text messages. 'WERE IS YO ASS?!' 'WHAT HAPPENED TO YA?!' 'THIS AIN'T FUNNY NO MORE BIATCH!!!' And so on and so forth and what have you. I call her and she answers on the first ring. "WHERE THE FAHCK IS YO ANOREXIC ASS AT BITCH?!" I couldn't help laughing. Anorexic?  That's a new one. "Gurl you aain't gunna believe me if I told you." I hear silence before a she screams.  "JUST TELL ME!!!!!!" "okay okay, hold on. Imma leave the room if the door isn't locked again." With that I put her on speaker phone and turn my phone light on. "DO NAT TELL ME TO HOLD ON!!!" Sigh. I walk over to the door and turn the door knob. yes! It's unlocked! I open the door with a proud feeling. "LUCIA!! ANSWER ME DAMNIT!!" "Shut up! I'm in the halls. I'm gunna go out to the garden. So yo ass needs a learn how to shut yo face or whisper, your pick." I whisper shout at her.  She stays quiet and I head down to the kitchen. I thought I saw another door, so maybe it leads to the garden? As I enter the kitchen I walk over to the door and open it to have a blast of cold outside winds bitch slap me. C-Cold!!! But at least I was right!! haha! I step outside despote the fact I might get frost bite just standing out there and close the door behind me. "Okay Kat you can talk." "So where are you exactly?" "okay.... well, im kinda in Black Butler...." Silence. Squeal. Deafness. OW! "DUDE!  Why didn't you bring me with?!?!" What?! "Im in Black Butler and all you care about is why I didn't bring you?! Dont you think I wanted too?!" "oh... Sorry. Its just I really wanna meet them" Sigh. "I just wish you could be here with me." The bracelet glows for a fews seconds. "WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" I look up to see a falling Kat right before she lands on me. OOF!! She looks at me then hugs me. "Oh Lucia!! I was so worried and then I was scared!!!" "Get offa me! Your heavy!" I say pushing her. She gasps dramatically before pretending she was hurt. "You know that is not true Lucia Emily Anders!!" "Whatever just get off!" She's right though, she only weighs like 130 Ibs. Oh well, because I only weigh 100 Ibs which isn't a lot for an eighteen year old. She stands up and helps me stand up as well. I dust off the dirt on my nightdress. "Miss Lucia? What are you doing outside? And who is this?" A suave voice sounds behind us. Kat gasps before turing, running and glomping Sebastian. Which not to mention he easily dodges. She pouts and tries again. Still she fails. "This is my friend Kat. The girl I told you guys about. As for why I'm out here... I just needed somewhere quiet to talk to her so I wouldn't disturb anyone inside." He looked as if he believed it so I guess I was off the hook. Yes! Lucia: 1 Sebastian l: 0 I look pver at Kat and see she's fallen asleep. I sigh as Sebastian picks her up bridal style and bows slightly to me. "I will bring Miss Kat to your room and come back for you" I blink as he turns and walks into the mansion. It sounded as if he meant that a different way then it should have. Nah, maybe I'm just hearing things... I was deep in thought and didn't notice Sebastian was back until he shook me a little. I jump startled and he smirks. "Are you ready?" I nod and start walking back in until I'm lifted up and carried bridal style to my room. I fight the blush that dares to surface. He puts me down in my room and the blush wins over. "Th-thanks" "Of course. If I couldn't do such a simple task as bringing a lady guest to her room what kind of butler would I be?" he does his closed eye smile and I can feel my cheeks burn. "Miss Lucia do you have a fever?" He puts his to my forehead. "N-no..." I swat his hand away and look away embarrassed. He chuckles before moving to the door. "Well then, good night." Aaaand gone. Whew! I sigh and go lay down next to Kat and proceed to cry to myself. "Oh and I will come in thw morning to wake the two of you up-" He was cut off when he saw me crying. A frown crossed his face as he sat next to me on the bed. "Miss Lucia... What's wrong?" I look down at my hands in my lap and stay quiet, deciding whether or not to tell him. I decide might as well in case he catches me crying again.  "A few days ago my parents had a terrible fight... the next day my dad had called a 'family meeting'. But he must've lost his mind or something... The next monute he's bringing a steak knife out and stabs mother.  'Mom!" I cry but he just walks over and cuts her head off... then my sister... he does the same to her only he just slits her throat... then there waa one. I was the only one left aside from him. All the doors were locked. I couldn't escape. I couldn't run. I couldn't even hide. Ad he was about to sjove the knife through my chest he must've snapped out of it and kulled himself instead. He shoved the knife through his neck, and you could see it come out the other side....." I was shaking badly as the tears just ran down my face like rivers. I look pver at Sebastian and he has his emotionless mask on before his expression turns to... Sympathy? "I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been traumatic." I couldn't help it.  I hugged him, needing someone to be there and well Kat was asleep (or was she? ;) ) and he was the only one there aside from myself. He stayed silent for a moment probably deciding to move me off him or stay there to comfort me. "It'll be okay..." I cry harder into his shoulder. "This is better than getting drunk off my ass and passing out with Kat." I chuckle sadly. He looked at me shocked.  "No its only when I spend the night at her house. Otherwise I cry myself to sleep" I inform him before he got the wrong idea. I sigh and can feel my eyelids getting heavy. I clode them for only a second and soon I'm sleeping. I'm awake enough to feel him tuck me in. A pause.  The he leans down and kisses my forehead whispering, "That's a rough thing to keep inside for a young girl. You must be very strong." And with that he was gone and I was sleeping.

The adventures of Lucia and Kat. (A Black Butler fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now