Chapter 8. The irritated butler and The sleepy girl

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"...cia" Someone was shaking me lightky but I ignored it. "...ucia!" I grumble and move away from the persons shaking. "Lucia!!" The blanket gets pulled  away from me but I came prepared. I have five blankets altogether and then thick pajama clothes on. And yes, its hawt but at least im not cold. (the nose bleeding dont start till sebby walks in! xD ) "Lucia its time to get up now" he finally got tbrough all the blankets. I sat up and sighed in (not) defeat. "Okay Sebby-chan. I'm up I'm up." "Very good." As soon as he walks out of the room I lay back down and go back to sleep.

~~~~~~~~le time skip~~~~~~~~

(Sebby-chans POV)

(lol, I know right I finally did another pov. well bask in its awesomeness cause its all your getting. muahahaha!!!!! >:DDDD )

I haven't seen Lucia anywhere today. I wonder where she could be. *walks around mannor looking for her before going to her room* I knock on the door but no one answers. I kbock again and there is only silence. I open the door and see her laying on the bed sleeping. *Heavy sigh* *Lightbulb* (lol. all despicable me up in hur) I walk back out closing the door with a quiet click and a mischievious grin. A few minutes later I walk back in not bothering to knock because she will still be asleep. Quietly walking up to the bed I lean over it. I chuckle and pour ice water on her. I didnt think anyone could jump out of a bed as quick as she did.

(Back to Lucia's POV)

I was having a wonderful dream that I was a neko with silky pink ears and a tail when it sounded like the door opened. I figured it was just my dream so I ignored it. Big mistake. I was completely drenched in ice cold water. I jumped out of the bed quickly. "HOLY GESUS IS A WOMANS WHORE MOTHER FLIPPING MONSTER FLUPPERS!!!!!!! THAT SHITS COLD!!!!!!" I turn to see Sebastian standing there laughing at me while holding an empty pitcher. I growl and lunge at him. For once he was caught by surprise because I was able to knock him down. He was still laughing at me as I hisses at him. Wait, hiss? He finally stopped laughing when I hissed at him.

(Sebby-Chans POV)

(lol I was about to put Sebby-Chan's pocky. xD fail)

I hadn't really looked at her since I waa laugjing so much but when she hissed it got my attention. She had pink cat ears and a pink tail. I couldn't help it when I reached out and pet her ears and tail at once. "Ahh, so soft~! Just like silk~!" She closed her eyes and started purring.

(Lucia's POV)

He reached up and started petting my ears and tail. I knew I was supposed to be mad at him but ut felt so nice. It especially surprised me when I started purring. I quickly snapped out of it and sat on top of his chest (lol, criss cross applesauce) and my arms crossed over my chest stubbornly. "Humph!"   He sighed and sat up knocking me off his chest. "Nya!" I sit up quickly and he's already standing. He sighed again just before petting my ears again.  I blushed and started purring again. He chuckled. There was a knock on the door.

(trololololol cluff hanger!!!!!)

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