Chapter 5. The week after and The viscounts party

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I feel as if the last chapter was shorter than usual, but I have a serious writer's block. :'( and my friend blackmaroon32 won't help me. x( she's so mean to me. anyways this chapter will probably be a little short as well because I honestly can't think of anything and I wanted the story to start a few weeks or so before the Jack The Ripper case. So I guess we'll see where this goes.  oh, and sorry for all the misspelled words, my phone hates me. once again,  first ever black butler fanfic, please let me know what you think about it. and if I should just stop all together. Spanks my pretties, Spanks to all and to all a good Spanks. <3

"Lucia! Kat! Get off the chandelier and meet me in my office now!" A grumpy Ciel walked away after comanding us to see him. I wonder what's going on. "Oh! We should probably get down and see what he wants! I'm curious!" "Ever heard curiosity killed the Kat?" I snickered at her. She shot me a dirty look which only made me laugh.

~~~~~~~Le Time Skip~~~~~~~

A few minutes later and Kat and I are knocking on Ciel's door. "come in" We enter the room and sit down in the chairs placed in front of his desk. "As you already know we are working on the Jack The Ripper case, we have reason to believe that the Viscount is this so called Jack The Ripper. It just so happens that he is throwing a party tonight and we are invited. I want the two of you there to-" "ugh, we already know. Get dressed up like a skank, seduce the Viscount, get kidnapped by Viscount, get put up for auction in a black market  thing and then get rescued by Sebastian while you await for our return here." Eye roll. He blinked away his surprise. "uhm, yes, whatever you just said is what we're going to do, go get ready, Sebastian will be there soon to help the two of you if it is needed. You are dissmissed." With the flick of his wrist we leave to go get ready. (Kat has her own room now. I forgot to mention that. >▲< ) I get itno my room and immediately go take a shower. After showering I see a beautiful light blue tealish colored dress and corset. Shit! I attempt to put thw corset on but fail and just put my panties on before trying again. A knock sounds at the door before Sebastian walks in. GAH!!! "w-w-w-what are you doing?!" "What do you mean? I'm helping you put on your corset. Now turn around grab the dresser and take a deep breath." As he says this I walk over to the dresser, grab it and take a deep breath like he told me too. YANK!!!!!  Oh My Gawd!!! This is Awful!!! Gasping for air he pulls again  whatever air I had escaping from my lungs as I try to regain it. Another pull and I'm left there gasping as he finishes up. "HOLY DAYUMN!!!!!" "It wasn't that bad." I turn and glare at him as he grabs my dress and helps me into it. "I must go attend to Miss Kat, call my name if you need any more help." He winks as he leaves and I couldn't help the blush brush my cheeks. Get a hold of yourself Lucia! I move to the mirror and sit down looking at my hair. Oh! I know! Taking my long pink cotton candy colored hair and put it in a fishtail braid before making it into a fancy high bun with part of it hanging loosely down. It only took about ten minutes. Nice. I leave to meet Ciel and Kat down by the front door. Ciel is already there waiting impatiently. Or should I say Cecilia. Kat comes running down the stairs in her dark purplish black dress. Sebastian walks calmly down the stairs and opens the door as we all step out. He holds tbe carriage door open for us to climb in before shutting it. The carriage starts to go as we sit in silence the entire way there. I zoned out while staring out the window. The carriage slowed before comung to a stop. I hadn't noticed till the door to the carriage opened. It surprised me and I jumped slightly. I heard Kat snicker and saw Ciel smirk. I glared at the both of them before exiting the carriage. Sebastian was just about to open the door then and gave me a surprised look before his emotionless mask was back. I sighed while waiting for them.  Now don't get me wrong im really excited about this, even though I already know what happens, and dancing with people and just having fun. When everyone was out we went to the door and knocked. Someone answered the door and we entered. Kat's and my mouth fell open gaping at the wonderful sight of a party. "A proper lady should not stare with their mouths open." Sebastian says with a frown. I snap out of the trance I was in and put my hands on my hips. "Who said I was a proper lady?" I said as Kat snapped out of it and hooked her arm through mine putting her hands on her hips as well. Sebastian just chuckled, probably at our stupidly stubborn pose we do. Kat and I split from Sebastian and Ciel (Cecilia) and go straight for the drinks. We drank about three before going to find Sebby and chocolate chip Ciel. (Hehehe :3 mmm, chocolate. sorry lol I just thought of it while eating chocolate chip cookies) I laughed at the nick name I gave him. I turned to tell Kat about the nick name but she was off flirting with some random guy. Soon after I spotted Sebastian.  (okay so she is a little drunk otherwise she would never leave Kat with some random guy she hasn't met. spank you all for reading; back to the story :3 ) "Shebashtin! Hehehe Shebby! Bashy!" I started sshouting and laughing at the same time. He looked at me concerned before it turned to amusement. "yes Miss Lucia?" "danshe with meh crow!" I said laughing and holding my hand out. He stiffened when I called him crow, looked around then took my hand for a dance. Halfway through the dance he pulled my waist closer to him causing me to move closer to him. "Hehehe Shebashtin... you... are... beaauuutiful!" I slurred. He smirked deviously. "Why thank you miss Lucia. May I say you look wonderfully gorgeous." He brought his face closer to mine. Just then someone tapped on my and Sebastians shoulder. I turned and saw The Viscount Druitt. "May I have this dance?" He asked as the song stopped and another started playing. Sebastian smiled. "You may." Then walked off after bowing to Viscount. He bows and I curtsy before we start dancing. "You are very beutiful my little robin." "Thank you. You are quite handsome." I say lying ghrough my teeth. I may be drunk but I do know who the enemy is. Where the hell is Ciel?!  I thought furiously. The song ended and we both thanked each other. "Would ypu like a drink?" Druitt asks while handing a drink towards me. "Oh, thank you." I said and drank the drink slowly stopping once in a while to ask or answer a question. "I must be going my little robin." "Wait!" He looked at me starngely. "I-I mean... I'm having so much fun with you, why should it stop?" I said in my best seductive voice. He grinned. "Of course my little robin. Would you like another dance?" "hm.. no, this party is getting boring, can we do something else? Maybe somewhere a little... private?" Gawd I didn't wanna be the victim but fahck it I cant find Ciel so. "Why yes, actually I do. Follow me my little robin." He walkes up the stairs to this dark room as I follow. I know Sebastian knows because I could feel his eyes watching every move I make. Viscount opens the door for me and I walk in slowly. I already know what happens so I use a sleave and cover my nose and pretend to faint, which he believes. I feel him pick me up and carry me somewhere. When I oppened my eyes to see he notived and put a rag that smelled weird over my mouth and nose. This time I really did pass out.

~~~~~~~le time skip~~~~~~~

I wake up with a massive headache and in a giant bird like cage tied up. "Here we have a beautiful young girl about the age of eighteen. You can use her fir yourself or sell her for parts! Let's start the bidding at-" "100,000 pounds!" What?! people would actually buy me?! I feel like crying. "Sebastian!" Suddenly the ligjts go out and then come back on. Kat, Ciel and Sebastian are there. oh thank gawd! "Sup?" I ask innocently. Ciel looks pissed, Kat looks drunk and Sebastian is chuckling. "Sebastian, get Lucia out of there so we can leave." Sebastian bowed with his hand over his heart. "Yes, my lord." Sebastian opens the cage door and picks me up not even bothering to untie me and throwing me over his shoulder. Ciel walks away with Kat as if this were normal. I kicked my legs and tried wighling but Sebastian just held me tight. "Put me down She-bastian! Hahaha She. Hahaha bastian. Hahaha!" Am I still drunk? Oh well, better make the best of it. I grin and lick his neck. I fell him tense and look at me. I put on a smiling drunk face. He just chuckles and ignores it. Humph! I bit his neck and he turned to me in shock. I drunk laughed. I could see a very faint blush on his face. "Oh, Sebastian~!" I say in a sing song voice. "Yes Miss Lucia?" "puh-lease put meh down?" I ask innocently. He looks to Ciel. He just shakes his head. Curse you Ciel! You traitor. Just then I saw the carriage. YES! Sebastian opened the door with his free hand. Ciel and Kat piled into the carriage then Sebastian placed me in after them and closed the door. Then the carriage startes going and we made our way back to the mansion.

Lol, looks like it was a pretty long chapter.  x3 im so proud, I finally got rid of that damn writers block. oh, and I suppose I shpuld ask anyone rwading ghis to vote, comment, and share, but meh, you don't gotta and I don't expect you to. if you do though, spanks chu. ^3^ anyways I dont know what to do next chapter.  maybe we'll go see undertaker? oh! wait I know what im gunna do!  it may or may not be a shorty, like me, dwpending on my inspurashion. yes I know thats not how you spell inspiration,  but I dont even care! cause I fell like im muthafahcking stuck, in this duck, it makes me wanna quack, like wtf is that?! Haha, oh pewds. XD anyways peace biatches! jk I would never call you guys that.


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anyhoe. spanks for reading, again, and to you my pretties, I bid ado.

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