Chapter Fourteen: Home Part Two

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A/N: I do not own anything besides Amelia St. James and any other original characters. 

When I woke up the next morning, I quickly changed into my Cheerios uniform. I rushed downstairs, and Aunt Vanessa quickly did my hair. "Aunt Vanessa, I know what I want to do with my room," I told her. "And what would that be?" She asked. "I want to paint my room a tiffany blue, then have the other colors be black, white, and silver," I explained. "Sounds good, we'll go to the store and check this out online then get your get your room put together," She stated. Soon after that Jesse emerged from his room, all ready for school. He grabbed a granola bar and we left.

Once we arrived at the school, I head to the gym for the quick morning run through of the routine for the reporter. After that I went with Santana and Brittany to our lockers then we went our separate ways. By the time lunch came around, I found myself sitting with Artie, Tina, and Mercedes waiting for everybody else to show up. Tina was opening up a peppermint patty when she asked Mercedes a question. "Do you want half of my peppermint patty?" "No, I don't put junk in my body," Mercedes told him. "Why are you doing this? We like you no matter how you look," Artie told her worried. "And those shake diets are really unhealthy," Tina stated. "They also don't really work," I told her. "As soon as you go off them, you gain the weight you lost," Artie finished. "You know what? I don't want to hear it! You have no idea how much I'm sacrificing to be a Cheerio, to look fantastic, to finally fit in at this school," She snapped. "You're sacrificing your health, Mercedes. I have already seen one person I care about go through something similar and they barely made it out alive. All that you are doing is destroying yourself inside out," I say with my voice slightly raising after every word.

"I don't care, Amelia, you don't know what I am going through, so just shut it," She yelled at me. "We were just trying to look out for you," Tina said. "We just want you to be healthy," Artie piped in. "Stop getting all up in my face, telling me what I can and cannot do. And I am really hungry, so stop trying to get me to eat you!" Oh dear, she's lost it. "Hold up, did she just say she wanted to us?" Artie asked. With that Mercedes got up from the table and walked away. She stopped walking when Jesse and Rachel were walking past her, and then she fainted. I quickly went to tell one of the lunch ladies, they called the nurse's office and she came to get Mercedes. I watched Quinn followed her to her office. I wonder if she was going to Mercedes.

By the time glee club came around Mercedes was looking a lot better, and she seemed a lot happier. Everybody was on their way outside to head to the roller rink. Jesse was driving me, Rachel. Kurt was driving Mercedes and Tina. Quinn was driving Santana and Brittany. Mike was driving Matt and Artie. Puck was driving Finn. When we got there, Mr. Schue told us to get a pair of skates. It was then and there that I knew that I was screwed. I had never been roller skating before. I was the last one to get my skates and the last one to put them on. I kinda just sat there watching everybody skate. Mike fell down a few times, Rachel had skated in between Jesse's legs. Then Finn started to skate to the side and then off of the skating floor.

"Why aren't you out there with us?" He asked sitting down next to me. "I don't know how to skate," I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear me. "It's easy, come one. I'll teach you," He said. "Only if I can teach you how to dance," I replied. "Deal," He said with a smile. He helped me get up and find my balance. We were moving slowly, inching towards the rink. I was just hoping that I wouldn't fall. Eventually, we were on the skating floor and he was slowly guiding me. "See, you're a natural at this," He spoke. "I'm only standing because I have a moving post keeping me upright," I joked. Slowly we started skating faster, and I was getting the hang of it. I saw Rachel and Jesse watching us out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey Finn, why are you so nice me? All I have ever done to you is yell at you," I ask. "You helped us when you didn't have to, and everybody should welcome in glee," He explained. "Jesse doesn't feel welcomed, mostly because you're the leader and you won't properly welcome him," I stated. "I don't mean to do it, I just see what's you great about him, and what Rachel sees in him," "Jesse is great, but you have to know on a person to see it. Rachel likes him because they share a common dream and have a lot of common interest. Both of them are stars, stars that are too big for this town, hell even this state. Jesse makes Rachel feel so special and gives her a boost of confidence," I explain. "Oh...," "Finn look you are a great person and a great guy but sometimes things don't work out, whether it is because of how different the people are, or because of timing," "Thanks," "I should be the one thanking you, I haven't fallen on my ass yet," He laughed.

About half an hour before glee would be over, we went back to the school. Mr. Schue gave us a debrief and we were on our way. Cheerios practice went by fast, we were just going through the routine, perfecting it and making corrections when needed. After that, Jesse was outside waiting for me. "So what was going between you and Finn at the roller rink?" He asked while I slid into the passenger seat. "Nothing, he just taught me how to skate," I stated. "Didn't look that way little sister, you couldn't stop smiling and it looked like there was a bunch of laughter," "We told each other a few jokes that its," I said. "Sure," He questioned. The rest of the ride home was silent except for the radio and Jesse singing along. Aunt Vanessa had dinner ready by the time we got home. After that, I took a quick shower and then sat down on the couch next to her. Her laptop was placed on her lap and some shopping sites were open. "Ready to do this?" She asked. I nodded in response. After about an hour, we had found what I wanted for my room.

We had found some black shelves, some black and silver stars to put on the wall, a dark wood nightstand, and a new bed frame for me. My dresser was already white, and most of my decoration in my room could be used. We would get the paint tomorrow and paint it this weekend, along with Jesse's room. That boy wanted his room dark gray.

Soon enough, it was the day that the reporter was supposed to be here. I was kinda nervous, I mean, I have danced on national dance competition stages, in front of talent scouts but never in front of someone was going to write about the performance. It was about 20 minutes before school started, I was standing at Santana's locker with her and Brittany when Mercedes approached us. "Can I ask you guys something?" "What?" Santana asked. "I wanna change the routine, and would you guys be able to help me?" "Are you insane Coach Sue will kill you," "I know, but I need to do this," "I'll help Mercedes," "Thanks, Amelia," "I will too. Come on, San, let's help her," Brittany said. "Fine," Santana agreed.

Santana sent out a text to all the Cheerios saying to meet in the gym before lunch. Mercedes would still be singing, I just won't be showcased as a cheerleader. I was happy that Mercedes was going to do something that would impact a lot of students and herself.

By the time the assembly came around, every Cheerio agreed to change the number except for Kurt. Once all the student were in the gym, we took our place in the middle of the gym. There was mic stand set up for Mercedes.

"Hey guys, I'm Mercedes Jones. So most of you know Cheerios is about perfection and winning, looking hot and being popular. Well, I think that it should be about something different." She started. "How many of you at this school feel fat?" We were all facing away from Mercedes, but I wish I could Jesse, he always gave reassurance about the things that I do. "How many of you feel like maybe you're not worth very much? Or you're ugly, or you have too many pimples and not enough friends? Well, I felt all of those things about myself at one time or another. Hell, I felt most of those things about myself today. And that just ain't right, and we've got something to say about it. And if you like what we have to say, come down here and sing it with us," She finished.

After that, the music started. Mercedes was sounding amazing. All of us Cheerios started in with backing her up and we turned to face the reporter. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Kurt didn't turn around with us. It was amazing to watch people join us. Quinn was the first one to join, and then everybody followed her. Glee club was the entire front row and eventually, Kurt turned around. Mr. Schue looked so proud of her. When it was all over, the entire school was clapping. Kurt and Mercedes made up, it was all well. After that school was over and everybody went home.

The next day went really well, we had glee club after school. April Rhodes came to talk to us earlier and asked for our help. We would help her to do a number. It would be a surprise to Mr. Schue, but it was going to be fun. April was an amazing singer, it was amazing to perform with her.

We were standing in the back left corner of the stage, all clad in black. It was fun yet peaceful. We were in two rows. Girls in the front and boys in the back, Artie on the side. The girls left to right were me, Rachel, Mercedes, Brittany, Quinn, Tina, and Santana. The boys from left to right were Artie, Mike, Jesse, Finn, Kurt, Puck, and then Matt. When the number was over, we all said goodbye to April and then left to home.

We ended up painting our rooms very quickly. But we couldn't sleep in them till the paint fumes were gone. I looked at Jesse, and then said, "Movie night sleepover in the basement," "of course," 

A/N: Don't forget to review, let me know what you liked and what I can improve on, and vote. BAI!

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