Chapter Twenty Five: Journey To Regionals Part One

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A/N: I do not own anything besides Amelia St. James and any other original character which includes her parents, aunt, and uncle. 

Enjoy this chapter, and the last one will be uploaded tomorrow.

It was on Monday morning when I came to the realization about something. We didn't have a set list for Regionals while Vocal Adrenaline has been working on their set list since they won their Sectionals. We're screwed. At the rate that they practice, they have choreography down like its second nature. Not to mention that Coach Sylvester was going to be a judge at Regionals. When I stepped into the choir room for glee, I could tell that he had nothing planned and nothing to for us to do. Needless to say, Cheerios practice was the most productive thing I ended up doing all day.

But after Cheerios practice, Mr. Schue wanted everybody at his house to make plans for Regionals. Thank god, this was finally getting done. When Uncle Daniel showed up I gave him Mr. Schue address, we arrived shortly after. Mr. Schue's apartment was on the second floor so taking the stairs wasn't that bad. I looked at my phone to make sure I was standing in front of the right door, Santana and Brittany joined me. I was the one who knocked and Mr. Schue opened the door with a smile on his face. He led us inside and into his living room where everybody else was.

I was sitting in between Matt and Finn. Matt was sitting on a chair next to mine while Finn was on the armrest of the chair that Rachel sat in. Moments after, a pizza guy arrived. Mr. Schue went to pay him, while Quinn went to get plates. It took a while and Mr. Schue went to check on her after he placed the pizza down but they both re-entered the room. Nobody bothered to move to get pizza and I wasn't going to the only, even if I was starving.

"Nobody wants pizza? Alright, well...uh...let's get started." He clapped his hands together and began again. "Thank you for coming to the 1st annual New Directions Regionals setlist nominations party," "What's the point, Mr. Schue? Coach Sylvester is one of the judges," Artie questioned dishearteningly. He looked at Mr. Schue before saying one last thing. "She's gonna crush us," He states. "Artie, you don't that," Mr. Schue tells him diplomatically. "Yes, we do. She told us at Cheerios practice," Santana told him dispassionately. "Yeah, she said, 'I'm going to crush Glee club,;" Brittany stated explaining the missing pieces. "The whole freaking year. All that hard work for nothing," Puck says. Tina started to tear up, her whimpers catching everybody's attention. "I'm sorry. I just really love you guys," She apologizes. "You know how many facebook friends I had before I joined Glee Club? Two. My parents. Rachel was right. Being part of something special, it made me special. I just can't believe it's going to be over in a week," She sobs.

"Wait, who says it's gonna be over?" Finn asks while sitting up from his spot. "Please. You think Puck and Santana are gonna even acknowledge my existence once we're not in glee club together anymore?" Mercedes questions him. "She has a point," Puck mumbles. "Mr. Schuester, do you think that instead of nominating songs, we can just go around the room and talk about things that we loved about glee club this year?" Rachel asked him while on the verge of the tears. It was heartbreaking to see everybody like this. What made it worse was that I was the only one not sad or tearing up. I was just worried,

We did go around the room saying what we loved. When it got to my turn, I didn't know what to say, I don't think I could put into words what I loved about glee club but I attempted to. "Watching VA for three years in a row kinda put me off the whole show choir thing. But seeing you guys in the choir room for brief moments before I joined showed me that it can be fun, that it doesn't have to be life or death serious. I loved that three times a day I could be with you guys and just have fun," I state.

We never got around to making the setlist, everybody was just too depressed to do it. We all ended up going home earlier than what Mr. Schue planned on.

Tuesday morning, I still felt the same. I was still worried about Regionals, I think that Jesse noticed because we both know how everything is going to end up. Vocal Adrenaline hasn't lost in six years, and I don't think that is going to change now because of some first-year glee club.

I arrived at school, stopped by my locker, then I immediately went to Rachel's locker to make sure that she okay. She was extremely upset yesterday. I ended up finding walking down the staircase, Finn was some distance behind her. "We need to talk," He told her. I moved out of sight, this was going to be something worth seeing. She turned around to look at him, and then he moved to be in front of her. "We had a chance at keeping it together at Mr. Schue's until you decided to bail. You're our leader, Rachel. The way you're on everyone all the time is annoying, but it keeps us motivated. You and I are going to fix this. We're going to Regionals and we're gonna win this thing," He announces. Rachel did something after that I wished I hadn't witnessed. She leaned down from where she was standing on the staircase, placed her hands on his shoulders, and kissed him. She pulled away from him and they were looking each other in the eyes. I step out from where I was and cough for them to notice me. "You better tell Jesse, Rachel, and Finn, I suggest you hide once he finds out," I tell them. When Rachel heard what I said, her face morphed into a face of guilt. Finn didn't know how to react, he was still in shock from the kiss.

I walk away right after not leaving time for either of them to say something. I go directly to the choir room and sit in the back corner. Pretty soon, everybody else just showed up, Santana ended up sitting next to me. "A, I know that face, who is getting killed?" She questioned, "Finn freaking Hudson, and Rachel freaking Berry," I tell her through my teeth. I was beyond pissed, how could she do that to Jesse. He loves her and he has been telling her that at least once a day since he first told her. She looked like she was going to say something else, but Mr. Schue walked in. He begins to write something on the whiteboard. He wrote 'Journey' down. Finn and Rachel were the last ones to enter the room. 'Mr. Schuester, Finn and I have something we want to say to you," Rachel tells him. "Me first, have a seat," He states.

"Six months ago there were five of you in here, and we sucked. I mean, we really sucked. Bad," He laughs a little. "One day all of you are gonna be gone and all of this, all of us will be nothing but a hazy memory. It will take you a second to remember everyone's name. Someone will have to remind you of the songs we sung, the solos you got or didn't get. Life only really has one beginning and one end, and the rest is just a whole lot of middle. And I love you guys too much to let you make the most it. Now, was gonna quit once, but you guys brought me back with 'Don't Stop Believin''. It was a nine, but we are going to make it a ten," He announces. "We're doing 'Don't Stop' at Regionals?" Rachel asks. "And then some. We are doing a Journey medley. Because who cares what happens when we get there when the getting there has been so much fun?" He explains. He looks back at Rachel, "Rachel, you had something you wanted to say?" "Just that we're all really glad you didn't become an accountant," She states. "Regionals, here we come." He announces.

We spend the rest of the week, day in and day out, practicing. I was asked to help with choreography, which I happily agreed to. The rest of the week was a blur, between practice for Regionals, Cheerios practice, and homework. I had barely been able to spend time with my brother. I had no idea if Rachel told him what she had done or not, but I didn't want to be the one to tell him.

Suddenly it was Saturday morning. Uncle Daniel drove me the school so I could load the bus for Regionals. I was more nervous then I had ever been, I was actually going to have to sing by myself for a part of the song in front of everybody while being judged. I had gotten the female lead on the mashup song in the medley. When we arrived, Jesse was waiting for Rachel, he wanted to her tell good luck. It was then that she told him, I guess guilt was eating her alive. He looked shattered once she told him. He took one look at Finn and walked away. I quickly opened my phone, sending him a text that read, 'use the emotion if you can.' 

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