Chapter Twenty Two: Theatricality Part Two

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A/N: I am gonna try to post a new chapter everyday till Christmas. If I do that this book will be done. I am looking forward to started the second book, and I hope you guys are looking forward to reading it! 

I do not own anything besides Amelia St. James and any other original character which includes her parents, aunt, and uncle. 

Without further ado, here is Theatricality Part Two. Enjoy!

Wednesdays. I love them, mostly because school is shorter but still. Aunt Vanessa washed my Gaga outfit last night so it was clean because I have to wear it again today, tomorrow and Friday. I can only manage ponytails in my hair so Aunt Vanessa made me lean my head forward and braided the back of my hair then pulled it into a clean, neat bun. I ate breakfast and put on the black lipstick, after that we left.

When I arrived school, I stopped by my locker and then I went to my first-period. Glee club didn't meet this morning something with the boys still planning their number I think. Lunch came around and we all ate in the choir room again, the boys finished planning their number and by the time the class period was over, everybody was excited to see how it will turn out. At the end of the day, glee club was buzzing, everybody went to the auditorium. Rachel was the only one missing from our little group. We all sat down on the half wall that separates the different sections of seats. About a few minutes later before the boys started Rachel enters the auditorium. "Sorry I'm late," She says. Her costume has changed, it was now a black and silver dress that looked really cool. "Whoa! Looking good, Rachel," Mercedes tells her. Rachel does a little turn, "Thanks, my mom made it," She states. Shelby made it, maybe things were going better than I thought. After a short little moment Mr. Schue starts speaking. "Well, we're all here. So without further ado I'd like to introduce the boys!"

"Lima, Ohio. Get ready to rock," I couldn't tell who was yelling but then curtain separated and we were shown the boys. They all were dressed up as different members of KISS, they looked amazing. Finn was on the drums, Puck and Artie were playing guitars. Mike and Matt were singing into microphones. They were doing Shout It Out Loud, and they well killin' it. We all were enjoying their performance, it would make Jesse proud. "Alright guys, very impressive. Very very loud," Mr. Schue states. "But what does that performance express, and what do those costumes illustrate?" He asks.

"We did our research Mr. Schue," Mike tells him. "Finn's demon look is because Gene Simmons like comic books as a kid," Puck starts while pointing behind him at Finn. "and they called Paul Stanley the Starchild because he was romantic or something. But that doesn't explain my whore lips," He finishes. "And my Ace Frehley is supposed to be a spaceman from another planet. Mike's iconic cat man was because Peter Criss claimed to have nine lives," Artie explains. "YEa and I'm dressed as the guy who replaced Artie when he quit," Matt finishes for the group.

"Well, congratulations guys. Job well done. Let's give it up for the boys," Mr. Schue announces. We all clap and cheer for them, then Finn hits this giant gong that was behind the drum kit. San, Britt and I quickly changed out of our Gaga costumes and we went to Cheerios practice. Jesse was the one who picked me up today, "Jess, I love ya, but why are you here?" I ask as I get in. "Shelby is in there talking to Schuester right now, I think about Rachel but I'm not quite so sure. But she ended practice earlier so she could come down here. How was glee?" "Good, the boys did a number," I state vaguely. "Gaga?" he questioned. "No, KISS," I state. The rest of the drive home was pretty much us singing along to the radio. When we arrived home, dinner was almost done.

We ate dinner and then Jesse and I fought over who gets to shower first. In end the he won, I was left with like 5 minutes of hot water, he's gonna get it next time. After my shower, I quickly did my homework, much to my despise. Pretty soon after that, I fell into a deep sleep.

On Thursday, nothing really happened. Tina and Kurt got shoved into lockers by Karofsky. At the end of day session of glee club meeting, everybody was sitting in the choir room. "Alright, let's get things started," Mr. Schue states. "Mr. Schue, I have something I want to say to Quinn and I want everybody to hear it," Puck states. "Alright," With that Mr. Schue goes to take a seat. "At first I didn't get this theatrical assignment, being larger than life, putting it all out there, 'cause I'm like that all the time. That's how my dad was too. He was too busy being all crazy rock and roll to be there for his kids. And you know what? I didn't care that my dad was a badass. I just wanted him to be there, and he never was. Then I learned all this KISS stuff and while Jackie Daniels is a great name for a power boat or something, it's not right for a baby girl. So if my KISS-mates will help me out, I got a better idea. Grab a stool, guys," He explains.

What just said up there in front of us was amazing. All the guys grabbed a stool and lined them up in front of the piano. Puck was sitting directly in front of Quinn. Brad started playing the notes to one of my aunt's favorite songs, Beth. I was taken away by the way Puck sounded singing this song. I think Quinn started tearing up, the song was really emotional for her to be sung to. Everybody not singing started swaying back and forth, it would have been if we had lighters but school rules say we aren't allowed to have them.

When the song was over, Puck got up and walked right up to Quinn. "I know you're giving her up, but before you do I think you should name her Beth, If you'll let me, I'd really like to be there when she's born, I'd really like to meet," He tells her. I felt like my heart was going to burst, it was emotional for everybody in that room, especially Quinn and Puck. There nothing else for us to do after that, so we all kinda went on what we had planned after school. Once again I changed into my Cheerios uniform for practice and went to the gym.

After practice once again, Jesse was there waiting for me. He said that Shelby needed to talk to Rachel. Rachel called about 10 minutes after we got home. Shelby had stopped by to say to goodbye to her. Jesse spent the rest of the night talking to her and comforting her. I would try to make her laugh with stories of Jesse doing idiotic things.

Friday was the last day that we were gonna wear our theatricality costumes. When Mr. Schue walked into the choir that morning he was shocked to see us to in. "Whoa! Guys, why are you all in your theatricality costumes?" He asked. "It's the end of the week, we were kinda hoping to learn what the lesson of the assignment was," Artie explained. "Well, you guys have had some great number this week, but I'm not sure I know either," Mr. Schue states. "I do," Tina announces as she walks into the room. "I refuse to dress like somebody I'm not to be somebody I'm not, and I learned it's good to be a little theatrical," She explained what she did to convince Principal Figgins to allow her to wear her goth clothes. We all clapped for her as she took a bow. "Wait, where's Kurt? Where's Finn?" Artie asks.

Nobody had any idea where the two could be, so instead of waiting we went to look for them. When we found them, Finn was wearing red rubber costumes, looks like he found him some Gaga. "..And I'm not gonna let anyone lay a hand on you," He states as we walk up. "Oh, really dude? 'Cause I'm pretty sure we can take both of you," Karofsky states. "Yeah, but can you take all of us?" Puck asks as we make our presence known. "Okay, Okay. I get it. I took biology. You know what Karofsky, we done disturbed the freak hive. The worker freaks is tryin' to protect the queen freak," Azimo explains in his own words. "Next time, we'll bring some friends too," Karofsky says.

They both leave after that, we stood in silence till Rachel spoke up. "I'm tired of everyone calling us freaks," Mercedes started laughing, "Well look at us, we are freaks," She states. "But we're all freaks together and we shouldn't have to hide it," Finn states. Someone starts clapping once Finn was done speaking and Kurt was by his side. "Nice job, Finn. I think you just figured out what the lesson was. Kinda makes me wish I'd planned it. But Mercedes is right, you do all look incredibly insane," Mr. Schue announces. Someone said thank you and Mr. Schue told them welcome. "Anyways, let's get back to work before you're all forced to join the circus. Next stop Regionals," He shouts at the very end. We all cheer for the idea. He allowed us to change out of our costumes after that to enjoy our Friday without glee club. 

A/N: Let me know what you think, what you liked and what I can improve on. Don't forget to vote. BAI!

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