Instagram 1 [I got a teddy bear]

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Hayley. Leblanc


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I got a teddy bear and named him, Caleb. 💜

546, 966 comments.



Annie. Leblanc- i love that name 💜

Hannieship- Your just being like Annie.

Littlewittle20- aww, she misses Caleb, i do too.

Laylasmith- How is she trying to be like Annie, when all she said is that she named the teddy bear "Caleb."

Brattattat-  I agree. ^

Weareyoung32- Hayley, you look so cute, and that name is gorgeous it shows, that you miss him a lot. Keep celebrating life. 💜💜

Itshayhay- Caleb 😭

Annieleblancfans- Its nice that you named your teddy bear Caleb. Celebrate Life. 💜😁


Hayley P.O.V

Scrolling through comments on my picture, one caught my eye.

hannieship- Stop trying to be Annie.

Ugh! I hate it when people compare me to Annie, were two different persons.

I sigh, and turn off my phone hearing my name being called by Annie.

"HAYLEY, Mommy wants you."

Sighing, i get up from my bed walking out, and trotting downstaris.

Seeing Annie, and my mom sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Morning." i say sitting down.

I was still in my pj's and was too caught up, on my phone. I forgot to get dress for the day.

I had got that teddy bear yesterday, and was deciding a name for it all night.

Today, i decided to name it Caleb so i have something to remmber for him.

"Morning, Hay, why aren't you dressed." my mom asked.

"I lost track of time, can i eat first than get dress." i ask.

"Yes, Hayley." she says sighing.

"Annie, Vlog." my mom says sternly.

"Okay mommy." she says happily taking the camera.

"Don't film me." i say walking to the fridge, getting a frozen waffle putting it in a toaster.

Once it pops up, i grab it and put it on my plate.  Grabbing syrup, putting it on my waffles.

Eating it, i hear Annie talking to our fans. Or should i say her fans?

Sighing i get up, and go upstaris changing into my outfit.

I do my hair in two little buns and two little hairs hanging out

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I do my hair in two little buns and two little hairs hanging out.

I walk out of my room, seeing mommy, and annie talking to our fans

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I walk out of my room, seeing mommy, and annie talking to our fans.

"ANDDD, Hayley is out of her room." i walk up to the camera,  putting on a fake smile, and laughing.

"Heyyuuu, guysss i'm hereee."
I say chuckling.

"I like your outfit, Hayley." my mom compliments.

"Thankkkkk youuuu." i say dragging out 'u.' for 12 seconds.

"Alright guys, lets get going."  Annie says, turning to the camera.

"Wait, let me bring Caleb." i yell running to get the teddy bear. Putting its leg around my neck and holding the soft hands.

"Now lets go." i say smiling. With a real smile.

They smile and nod their heads,




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