Chapter 9

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Kenetth P.O.V

I walked inside the ice cream shop, hayley following right after, i hold the door open for her. Letting her inside, the cold hit, my skin as i walked in.

We ordered the same thing we got last time, we where here.

I decided i should ask,  Hayley whats on her mind.

She sat down at a table, licking her icecream. You could tell she was lost in thought, i walked over, and sat down on the chair that was in front of her.

"Hayley." i say her name, and her head immediately shoots up.

"Yeah?" she said softly.

"Whats going on? You stopped talking to me after, our last conversation." i tell her, she looks at me then, sighs.

"Listen, Kenetth. I like you more than friends. Even if we dated, what if something goes wrong. Would be friends, or turn on each other?" Hayley says, looking at me dead in the eye.

"That's what relationships are, they fight and move on." i say, hoping she'll change her mind.

She shakes her head in disagreement, "I'm not risking it, i'm sorry kenetth." she says. As she takes one last bite of her ice cream.

I put my head down, hiding my hurt. I blink back my tears, Hayley do you know what you're doing to me?

The way to her house was silent, Annie and Hayden noticed the tension, but kept quiet.

We arrived at her house, before she wenr inside, "HAYLEY WAIT," she stops and turns around, "your room."  she nods her head.

We go into her room, and i lock the door.

"You know, something ill miss?" i ask her, she shakes her head no.

I go close to her, interlocking our hands. My face close to hers, i smashed my lips on her lips, i couldn't contain myself, i knew ill fucking miss those pink,plump, soft, inviting lips.

She messed me up so fucking bad, and I'll do anything to make her love me.

Even if it cost me my life.

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