Chapter 13 ["what you did was not by accident"]

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Hayley P.O.V

Finishing taking a shower, I step out putting regular bed clothes on. Hearing yelling, from Annie made me stop in my tracks. "You always leave, Hayley out!" I hear what she said, and I stand in my spot listening.

(Since I wrote what she said, last chapter. I'm not gonna write it this chapter k bye!)


Well, Annie thanks for speaking up for me. Sighing, I plop down in my bed, plugging my phone in the charger. Spreading myself out, looking up at the ceiling. Letting a deep breath fall out of my mouth, hearing a knock ruined the moment.

I roll off my bed, walking to my door opening it revealing Annie.

"Hey, sis." She says, as she scratches her chin.

"Hi." I respond, lowering my head down.

"Let's talk, I mean all night. A girls night basically, let me get snacks." She fan girls, running into the kitchen grabbing snacks. I just watch her as she goes crazy, grabbing snacks.

"That's enough." I chuckle, as I see her hands full of a lot of snacks. "No. Its not! I need drinks!" She exclaims, running into my room putting the snacks on my bed, then running out grabbing 4 cans of coke.

We walk into my room, I close the door and lock the door behind me. She turns on a night light I don't use anymore, and we sit criss cross apple sauce from each other.

"So, tell me about Kenetth. something going between you guys?" She ask, opening a bag of Doritos.

A frown forms on my face, remembering the event that happened a few hours ago.

"Well. I did something unexpected, I kissed Julian, I don't know why! I just wanted to kiss him, I messed up though kenetth saw, and he looked sad, he ran away from me and txunamy saw, and she ran away too. Wanna know the worst part? I hurt them, and I don't even know why." I say, feeling tears brim in my eyes, "I feel stupid, and i hurt the most important people in my life." The tears streamed down my face, as I sobbed.

I was engulfed in a hug, by Annie.

"Listen, Hayley. What you did was not by accident."

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