Chapter 15 ["after,lunch with the Summerall's"]

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Hayley P.O.V

Waking up, I let a groan emit from my mouth. Not wanting to move, the bed was empty, and filled with crumbs, Annie must have left the room

I stay, in my bed closing my eyes trying to fall back asleep. Until, somebody jumps on the bed, "Hayley, your awake!" Annie giggles, rolling all over my body. I groan, shifting around my bed. "Hayley, come on. Wake up, were going somewhere today." Annie exclaims, and I just close my eyes. Letting the bed comfort me, pulling the duvet over my head.

I hear a sigh, I feel the bed loose its weight as I smiled, accomplished that she is gone. I turn over to the other side, smiling closing my eyes.

I feel liquid pour on to my head, alarmed I sit up. Hearing, Annie erupt into laughter, "I told you to wake up, you went the hard way." She exclaims throwing her head back, as laughs escapes her lips.

I give her glare, getting out of my bed. "I'm up, now leave." I say harshly, she smirks at me, then leaves my room.

"Ugh." I groan again, rubbing my forehead.

I took a nice steamy shower, dressing up into some demin ripped jeans, a black v-neck shirt, and slipped on some converse. I kept my hair curly, brushing it down a little bit.

I brush my teeth, and wash my face, then look myself in the mirror. "Looking good." I say to myself jokingly, as I walk out of my room and into the kitchen.

Seeing, Annie, Daddy, and mommy eating pancakes. Mommy, and daddy avert their eyes, to me as they realized I am in there presence. I fiddle with my fingers, taking a seat where another plate of pancakes where set.

I dig in, taking a bite, letting out a moan of how good it tasted.

"Hayley, we need to talk." Daddy says softly, looking up at me, "but, after lunch with the Summerall's."

I gasp just hearing that, "sorry, Hayley forgot to tell you, that we are eating lunch with them." Annie butts in, looking at me with sorry.

I sigh, "its fine, Annie. I'll just have to make the best of it." I reply taking another bite of my pancake.

Me? With Kenetth, for how many hours? This is not going to go well, most likely because, their be yelling.

"So, is it at their house? and what time?" I ask, hoping it was at their house.

"At their house, at 12:00pm." Mommy replies, bringing out the camera, filming me.

"Okay. Thanks." I say taking another bite of my pancake one by one.

This is not going to go well.






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