Chapter 6

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Hayley P.O.V

I trot upstairs fast, finding his room. 

I could hear Annie, and Hayden talking, than hearing the footsteps coming up the steps. 

I find his room, the door is closed and I knock on it. 

"Kenetth, it's me Hayley.  Please open, Kenetth." I say,  desperate for him to open. 

No answer. 

I hear another female voice downstairs that is definitely not,  Annie's. You can hear up, walking up the steps. 

I turn my head, to the stairs seeing a girl.  With black hair, wearing a white and black stripe shirt, and ripped jeans. 

"Hi, who are you?" The Irreveleant girl asked. 

"Hayley LeBlanc, Kenetth's best friend." I respond, "and you?"

"I'm Lily Willow,  His girlfriend." She replys pointing to herself. 

Great.  His girlfriend. 

I roll my eyes, when she wasn't looking and bang on the door.  "KENET-, " The door opened,  as he grabbed me by the waist. Put me in his room, close and lock the door.  He pushed me against the wall, his lips so close to mine,  "Hayley." He whispers closing his eyes, than opening them. 

"Kenetth." I whispered, my breath hitched as he got closer to my lips,  "I didn't know what they were, my stomach has butterflies,  your hugs give me life, and I feel incomplete without you. I have feelings for you,  and I didn't even know." He says, as he starts tearing up,  "and because of my feelings, I messed up. And I'm sorry,  Hayley. " His lips, were so intimidating.  I just had to, I smashed my lips against his, as our lips moved in sync. 

My stomach felt like it was going to explode, it was like I was getting hungry, as I kissed him harder. 

We let go, letting our foreheads touch, as we breathed out of breath. 

"Kenetth. I have the same thing for you." I say trying,  to calm my breathing. 

He pecked my lips two times,  "I'm sorry,  Hayley. "

We stayed like that foreheads touching. 

Until a bang on his door,  ruined it.

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