Instagram 21 [Jealous Part One]

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Hayley P.O.V

I was going to meet up with txunamy today, and we're going to the mall. Apparently, I'm  meeting a guy named Julian Clark. He's an actor, singer, and loves drawing. 

Their dating. but eh. They keep it secret, Kenetth, decided to come along, and that kiss last night. I guess, is our last, i do like him, i really do, but, what if something goes wrong? Will we be friends again? I'm not risking it, i love him too much to let him go. 

Kenetth, will be here in 30 minutes, i already brushed my teeth and, was about to put my clothes. Until, Annie came into the room, "Hayley, you in here?" she ask still having her hand on the doorknob, by my door way. 

"Yeah. What's up?" i ask, putting down my clothes on the bed. She walks in, and shuts, the door. "So.... what's going on?" she asked me, looking at me. 

"what do you mean?" i ask confusingly, she scoffs, "Obviously, with you and Kenetth, you like him. But, he was droopy when he left, like really sad. Did you say no?" 

"i just didn't want to ruin our friendship, because, what if something happens? Will we still be friends, or will it all crumble? I just didn't want to ruin it, i like him i really do, i just don't want to risk the friendship, we have." she nods her head understanding, she gets up from my bed but, before she leaves, she says an advice, "sometimes, life is worth risking things." she says, and closes my door. 

Sighing, i get up from my bed, putting my clothes on. 

I decided putting on some floral pink, leggings, and, a white t-shirt tucked in. I put my hair, half up, and half down. Grabbing my shoes, i slid them on my feet. putting black and white, converse on. I did, some light make-up on my face, and had a little bag, on the side of me. Adding extensional things, i need, like lip balm,lip gloss, and etc.

I walked out of my room, seeing mommy, and, Annie, talking to our fans, Sighing, i hear mommy look at me, then say, "Hayley, is back, since y'all really wanted to see her on camera." 

I shook my head no, i didn't want to be on camera anymore. I don't know why, i just felt irrelevant, plus i'm boring. People call me annoying anyways, since i use a baby voice, people skip me for Annie. 

Mommy shoves the camera to my face, and, i snatch the camera, and mommy gives me the look. The 'don't do that it again, or its not going to end well.' look. 

"Hey, guys, Sorry, i haven't been vlogging much, i just don't feel good. I guess, i'll vlog tomorrow and you'll see more in the future. But, not today, sorry guys." I say, putting the camera in Annie's hand.  

"Kenetth, will be here in 5 mins." i say to Annie. 

"Also, Hayley, you might have to stay, with txunamy for a while since i'm recording my song." Annie says, pointing the camera at me.  

"Okay, fine by me." I say, remembering i left my phone in my room., i run upstairs, grabbing my phone. I trot back downstairs, earning a text from Kenetth, 

"i'm here." 

- from Kenetth.

"I'm leaving." i yell out.

Nobody said anything, like usually, so i just left, I saw txunamy, Kenetth, and i;m guessing the Julian Clark kid.

I run up to the car, smiling, 

"Hey guys!" I yell opening the car door, jumping in, closing the door behind me.

I sat next to, Kenetth, while , txunamy and Julian sat next to each other. "Hi, you must be Hayley, i turn my head, and smile at him, "Yeah, I am, and you must be Julian." i say shaking his hand, we talked, and laughed, all the time, Julian and i, will crack jokes, and txunamy and Kenetth, would laugh, and we will all talk. 

But, every time, i laughed, and Julian and i made jokes, Kenetth, would look at Julian like he wanted to kill him. 

Is he.............. Jealous?



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No need to be jealous. views 6,008,981

Liked by, Hayden.Summerall, Kenetth.Summerall, Annie.Leblanc and 6,009,890 more.



It was obvious?




MMM, Kenetth, don't want his girl, with other boys.


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