Instagram 10 [I have a suprise for you] Part Two

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We took a photoshoot there

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We took a photoshoot there. And they turned out amazing! 😁

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ShippingKatleyall_theway- BESTFRIENDS GOALS!


Weareyoung- Bruh, stop this is so fucking cute.

Nobodyknows- omg katley again!
Whoknew- You guys stop posting cute pictures of each other.

Listen_Icy- when are you guys going to date.

Hannieship- reminds me of hannie so cute.

Hayley P.O.V

We're now at the carnvial, and kenetth is still giving me a piggyback ride.

We went on so many rides, it was so fun.

Kenetth, decided we play some games.

I nodded my head, but i suck at them.

We played, throwing the ball in the hoop. Basically, basketball.

After, we played the water gun game, were you aim, the water gun, in hole. And try to make a ballon pop.

Of course, i won.

"NO FAIR YOU CHEATED!" he yells.

"Its not that i cheated, you just suck." i respond.

"Ahah, funny."

I laugh, "because it is."

"Ok, no piggyback ride." he says turning around. Crossing his arms, "nooo!!" i yell.

We start walking away from the game.

As he still did not give in. 


"You have to yell, Kenetth Summerall is the best bestfriend in the world." he says.

"No."  i reply

"Why?" he ask me, turning around to face me.

"Because, its not true." i say jokingly.

"Im joking." i laugh a little.


People look at me, and i just smile.

"Now, do i get a piggyback ride?"

"Yes, you do my amazing weirdo."
"Look a photo booth." i say smiling.

We wait in line.

Once we were up, we took photos.

(A/N- photo's above but i'll also put them down below.)


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"Best day ever!" i yell as we finished

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"Best day ever!" i yell as we finished.

"WAIT, hayley before we leave. I have a suprise for you." kenetth says.

I turn around, from looking at the photos seeing a big teddy bear, in his hands.

I put my hand over my mouth, and run up to him. Grabbing the bear, "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!" i say, grabbing the teddy bear and hugging him.

(A/N- Read part one of this, and see the teddy bear. If you're too lazy the picture will be down below!)

 If you're too lazy the picture will be down below!)

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"This surprise is amazing thank you so much."

"Anything, for you my amazing weirdo."

I smile. As he holds my hand, electricity shooted through my veins, my heart was being fast like lightning.

But, i ignored the feelings and hold his hand as we walked out.


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Mr. Summerall filmed everything.

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