Instagram 14 [Dm #1]

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*Dm between Hayley And Kenetth*

Hayley: yeah, kenetth?

Kenetth: I can't hang out with you today. Sorry.

Hayley: why?

Kenetth: I just can't. Bye.

Hayley: read.


Hayley P.O.V

I can't believe he didn't tell me. Why he can't hang out with me, we tell each other everything.


Sighing, i scroll through instagram.

Until, i hear ding signaling i got a new nofication.

What shocked me the most, was Kenetth posted something.

Tears glistened in my eyes, as i look at the post.


Kenetth. Summerall


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My girl. @Lillywillow

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Auuuuhhhuu- what about Hayley.

Hayley.Leblanc- I see. 😑

Girlycrazy- HAYLEY POST!

Fifi- above hayley comment ^

Ishiphannieandkatley- Katley?

Weareyoung-  hayley Comment. ^
Annie.Leblanc- okayyy..... 😑
(Liked by Hayley.Leblanc)

Iloveyouandhateyou- DRAMAAAA.

Hayley P.O.V

I slammed my phone on the table, and put my head down.

He never told me he had a girlfriend.

I can't fucking believe him. Im definitely not talking to him.

I wipe my tears but, a question pop in my head.

"Why do you care?"

INSTAGRAM | HAYLEY LEBLANC ✓Where stories live. Discover now