Rain storm

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I was sitting by my neighbors pool under the roof of their back deck as it was raining.
"Y/n can you get me another glass of wine" my mom said from the pool, being stubborn and staying in even though it was raining.
"Yeah" I answered back pouring her some wine and handing it to her as I get soaked again from the rain pouring down on top of me.
I don't really like the rain, its calming but it gives me an eery feeling like something bad is gonna happen. But seeing as though I live in Florida it rains here a lot, especially during the summer. And it was summer.

As I was watching the rain pour down standing under the protection of the awning, the wind starts to pick up blowing the big green trees so hard you'd think this was a hurricane. I tell my parents I'm going back to the house because I didn't feel good. Which wasn't a lie, I had almost been sick an hour earlier before we came next door because I was dehydrated, but really I just wanted to get out of the rain. I tell my neighbors thank you for having me over and I start to leave, unfortunately I have to walk all the way across the yard and through the rain to get back to my house.
I throw on my big black T-shirt and decide to just carry my shorts, leaving my black bathing suit bottoms showing from what little was left uncovered by my shirt. I start to walk out of the screen door and start to leave through the gate back to our front yards but as soon as I walk through the gate I am hauled into the air by two very tall ginger boys and they start to walk off with me hanging in between their shoulders.

"You're comin" - "with us y/n/n!" The two giants say as they start to walk away. Im honestly so pissed I mean I was getting soaked, especially now that I was a little over six feet in the air!
"Fred and George weasley you put me down right now!!" I yell which gets their attention.... and not the good kind.
"Oh yeah?" - "whatcha gonna do about it?" They ask as they start messing around and bouncing me up and down in the air.
"I'll scream so loud the whole neighborhood will hear me!" I say. Kinda a lame thing to say but they didnt want a bunch of muggles to see two wizards carrying me off. That got them scared at least to the point where they put me down.
"Come on y/n we were only having a little fun, right fred? We haven seen you in so bloody long!" George says whining rubbing the back of his neck as fred nods along side him.
"I know, I know." In reality its only been a few weeks, but after being able to see each other everyday for the whole school year and then suddenly not being with your best friends was hard. "But how did you even get here?! I mean you didn't drive the flying car across the ocean, I mean one you couldn't have it would've broken down halfway across the Atlantic, and two a muggle would have seen you! I swear if you told molly you were going out to do errands and then came to get me I'll be so pissed off! She would be so worried!" I say knowing how much their mom worries and how mad she gets when the boys sneek out.
"No we didn't take the car and mom knows we're here and we got here by flew powder honestly y/n how daft do you think we are." Fred says laughing at how concerned I was for them and their mom.
"Well I don't know check your potions grades recently?" I ask with a big smirk across my face.
"Oi! We both got Os in potions!" They say in unison and fred playfully punches my arm.
"Only because I helped you. And on top of that you cheat!" I laughed, but i stop realizing something and go back to the concerned look I had before. "Boys? You said you traveled by flew powder right?" They nod. "Well I don't have a chimney how in the world did you get here?" I ask extremely !afraid that they may have broken into one of my neighbors houses.
"Well your neighbor down the street has a lovely house and a great big chimney just down the road a bit!" Fred says smirking, as I look at them in complete shock.
"No you did not!" I say not believing what they said, that means that they did exactly what I was afraid of, broke into someone else's house to get here! They could have been seen!
"Yes we did!" They both say looking very proud of their actions.

"Ok so you traveled here by flew powder into a muggle home that you broke into to come and pick me up and quite literally drag me off to where exactly?" I say sounding a lot like a mom. Even though I was their partner in crime when it came pranks I still got worried when they did things like this.
"The quittich cup?" George says with a questioning smirk on his face, knowing that'll change my mood because I love quittich and when I say love, I mean love!

Hey I know I haven't written in a while but this is the story I've been working on. Tbh I was gonna wait til it was finished to post it but decided not to becausr it was trash anyway and wouldn't make a difference😂 so hope you like it! Byyyeeee

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