bombs and bombshells

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They get up off the bed and we all start out of my room grabbing my cat on the way. "Look boys max missed you!" I say laughing as max jumps from me to the boys purring louder than ever. "I can't blame him I did too." looking a bit sad.
"What's wrong y/n didn't you have a fun summer?" George asks putting max down next to my things.
"Yeah it was just so boring I missed our pranks so much. I missed you guys." I say looking at the floor.
"I mean who can blame you we're pretty great right Freddie?" George says making me laugh.
"Righto Georgie!" Fred says trying to make me laugh.
"Ok boys let's be off!" I said but this time I didn't want to use flew powder. We went outside and I told them to hold my hands and we apperated there along with my things. Yes I am aware that we are all underage and not supposed to be using magic outside of school but I got special permission from dumbledore seeing as though I live in all the way in America. OK? OK. Dont attack me!
And yes I know I could have just gone to ilvermorny and saved me the trouble but I got special assignment to go to Hogwarts. I've always wanted to live in another country and have loved Hogwarts since the day I visited with Dumbledora.
When we get back to the burrow I'm glad that its not raining and I'm greeted by a very happy Mrs. Weasley who as soon as I walk through the door squeezes me in a bear hug barely allowing me to breathe.
"Y/n dear how are you have a nice summer?" Molly asks extrodinarily kind as always.
"It was alright but I did miss your boys quite a lot!" I say with a big Cheshire smile.
"And they missed you too but I still don't know why you hang around that mangy lot!" She says making me laugh and the boys look slightly hurt. "Oh don't worry boys I was only joking!" She says walking away towards the kitchen.
"You may be a mangy lot but you're my mangy lot!" I say to the boys which instantly makes their faces perk up. Just then I hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs as Ginny and Hermione come running down.
"Y/n!" They yell, engulfing me in a big group hug.
"Happy to see you too guys! But I kinda can't breathe." I say and they finally let me out of the bear hug and I catch my breath.
"We have so much to talk about!" Ginny says as she starts dragging me to her room, well she started...
"Which you can talk about later, ginny dear go wake up harry and Ron or you're gonna be late!" Molly says and me ginny and Hermione walk upstairs talking about our summers until we get to the top of the stairs. Ginny and I go to her room to put my things away really quick while Hermione goes to try and get the boys up.
But of course within a few minutes all we here is yelling from Hermione about how they need to get up so we head over (but not before I grab a couple things that could definitely help wake them).

When we get to the door of their room Hermione storms out.
"Honestly they just won't wake up lazy idiots." Hermione half says half yells as she pushes past us and heads back to Ginny's room. While she goes to sulk ginny and I head into the boys room being as quiet as we can.
"Ok gin just pull the pin and run ok?" I say gesturing to the little walking airhorn in my hand.
"1..2..3!" I say pulling the pin and letting the cute but completely obnoxious toy roll out of my hands and onto the floor of Ron's room immediately duplicating itself and running all over the room, under beds and desks, practically covering the floor with small air horns. Ginny and I have about 3 seconds to get out before all hell brakes loose.
"Run!" I scream looking back at ginny already half way out the door, but as I bolt out of the room I am met face first with the wall..... 'Oowwww'.
"Wacha runnin from y/n/n?" It wasn't a wall... I look up to see Fred's smirking face less than a foot away from mine I go beat red, Im not sure why but my face turns as red as a newborn Phoenix.
"Nothing!" I say very unconvincingly, "can you stand here for about....." I look at my watch,"17 seconds?" I say to the twins now heading to Ginny's room.
"Ok? What for?" George barely gets out before the bombs go off and I bolt into Ginny's room.
And just as I predicted 17 seconds later Ron and harry come running out of Ron's room as the bombs start to die down, smoke and air horns still lingering in the air.

"I should have known it was you two!!!! Who else would it have been!?" Ron says screaming at the twins, I start laughing uncontrollably from behind Ginny's door but not loud enough that they could hear me.
"It wasn't us this time ronny boi." George says shrugging and starting to walk away.
"Than who was it?!" Ron asks still yelling.
"That would be her." Fred says pointing at me as I've now walked out of Ginny's room and into the hall to evaluate my work.
"I should have known you were here y/n!" Ron says looking extremely pissed at me.
"Awe ron you say that like you don't love me being here!" I laugh
"Not when you do stuff like this." He says looking less mad than before.
"Well you weren't getting up Hermione even tried but you decided to sleep so I had to do what I had to do."
"Well we're up now." Ron says looking kind of defeated. "Good to see ya again y/n." He says walking back into his room presumably to get ready.
After the boys were up and ready and everyone had gotten changed into what they were gonna wear which for me was a short black body con dress with a long red knitted jacket over the top which I had hanging open, and converse, and I just let my hair lay down in its h/l slightly wavy way.
"You look great y/n!" Ginny and hermione say when we start on our walk to wherever we were going to get a portky to take us to the cup, or at least that's what Mr. Wealsely told me while we were waiting for the boys.
"Thanks!" I reply
On the way we run into a man who Mr. Weasley greets as Amos Diggory...  Diggory?
Just then a tall boy jumps out of the tree above us and lands next to Mr. Weasley and Amos. Oh I'm stupid Cedric Diggory! He's in the twins and I's year, I have made friends with him seeing as though he was in my herbology class last term, we're in the same house and hes the hufflepuff quittich captain. So I was bound to make friends with Cedric.
He greats Mr. Weasley then walks towards me.
"Hey y/n!" Cedric says as he gives me a big hug.
"Hey Cedric! Excited for the game?"
"Yea! Should be great!" Cedric says but then his dad calls him, "talk to ya later!" he says giving me another hug and runs off to where his dad is and we all start walking again.
"Oooh so?" Ginny and Hermione say at the same time, its so weird when they do that. I mean I'm used to the twins but when they do it its just creepy.
"What?" I ask not knowing what they were talking about.
"You and Cedric Diggory? Obviously y/n!" Hermione says. "What's up with the two of you?" She says a playful smirk on her face and I turn to ginny and she has one as well.
"Yeah!" I hear from behind me and see two familiar ginger boys, -"what is up with two of you?"
"Nothing! Were just friends he's in my house and hes the quittich captain, we're friends!" I say kind of defensively but also its just true we were just friends.
"Ok...." Ginny says still not buying it as we finally reach the portky.
"Grab on everyone!" Mr. Weasley says grabbing the dirty old boot at the top of the hill we had just cilmbed. Everyone had grabbed on except for harry but Mr. Weasley yelled at him at the last second and he grabbed on just barely before we took off. We all start spiraling through the air, Amos tells us to let go and we start falling to the ground faster than before.
About 100 feet from the ground I feel and arm snake around my waist, I thought it would be fred... Or george, but I look up to see Cedric who then flips us around so he's on the bottom bracing our fall as we hit the ground. I lay there for a second in shock then get up fast helping him off the ground and thanking him.
"No problem, just didn't want you to get hurt!" He says going off to his tent with his dad.
I feel another arm wrap around my waist oh wait nope two....
"Yeah you better be off Diggory!" Fred yells as him and George drag me off to the tent we'd be staying in... Got to say I expected it to be much bigger, I mean how was this tiny tent even going to fit all of us. When we walk however inside its almost as big as a house.
"God I love magic." Harry and I say as we walk into the tent astonished at what we were seeing, it had two sections one for the boys and one for the girls and it was fit with a kitchen and a living area too.
"Jinx you owe me a coke!" I said as I laughed at Harry who was standing in the doorway shocked. He'd probably be the only one to get that joke here and laugh seeing as we both grew up in the muggle world, Mione would get it but I'm not quite sure if she'd laugh.

Hi ho kiddos I know this chapter is long but hey just extra story til the next chapter am I right😁

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