tutoring pigs

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After a long day of classes the boys and I, that being fred, george, and lee, headed back up to the common room to talk about our new ideas for sweets to get kids out of classes.
When we got there the common room was filled with laughing students talking about their first days back, a few playing chess, and even the occasional couple kissing in the corner.
"Busy? Don't ya think?" Lee says motioning us up the stairs to their dormitories, we all follow Lee up the stairs and enter the boys messy room.

"Really guys you should probably clean this place once and a while, I mean its only our first day back and its already a mess." I say looking between them and their room with a look of slight distaste, but none the less we cleared off one of the messy desks and started going over our ideas for candies.
"Ok... So as of now we have puking pastilles, nose bleed nougat, and feaver fudge, but I think we should include one more in the boxes, maybe warty warheads... No... Hmmmm" I keep going through options in my head but none of them seem good enough to sell.
"Ow bout fainting fancies?" George says.
"Wow that's actually pretty good Georgie but remember we still have to give an antidote of sorts and if the kids passed out it'll be kinda hard to get them to eat a candy." I say not knowing how were gonna come up with antidotes for all of these.
"Don't worry y/n you're practically a genius I'm sure you can figure something out!" Fred says wrapping an arm around my shoulder but pushing me out of their room as he does so.... 'Rude' I think but as I look up I'm met face to face with ginny and Hermione on their way back up to our room. Well crap!
"Hey guys!" I say trying to pull my head out of the gutter
"Hey y/n! Wucha doing in the boys room?" Ginny says giving me a smirk. God I hate that stupid smirk.
"Nothing actually! Just talking to the boys. The common room was dreadfully busy!" I say straight faced but with a hint of a smile so they couldn't (hopefully) tell I was lying.
"Ok." Hermione says. Yes they bought it! Thank you mione! Well I couldn't tell them what I was really doing in their room. Hermione would nag me about how we could get expelled and ginny would probably tell their mom and that's even worse than getting expelled.
"Oh crap I have to go talk to professor sprout about tutoring some class mates after school your brothers being two of them." I say as I run down the stairs parting ways with ginny and mione.
"Sorry I'm late professor sprout!" I say as I enter the green house.
"No problem y/n! Can u just start helping those two over there!" she shouts from the other side where she's helping two first years. I look to where she's pointing and I gag at who the two idiots are that I'll be helping, of course the two most vile people I know and their both not even in the same grade.
"Oi! y/n get over here hot stuff!" I hear pucey yell from across the room where him and Draco malfoy sit. 'Oh great! Just great!'
"Shut it pucey, I'm here to teach you not be harassed." I say sitting in the seat in between the two vile pigs.
"what can you teach me anyway?" Draco says with a look of disgust.
"A lot, Seeing as though im at the top of my class draco." I say which shuts them up a bit but not for long so I use my chance to tell them how to do their individual spells and try to escape to professor sprout but before I can I'm pulled back down into my seat. 'Kill me'

"Not so fast mudblood!" Draco says a hateful look in his eyes as he Grabs my wrist really really hard yanking me back to my Seat.
"Now Now boys!" I hear two very familiar voices say. Thank god.
"I don't think that miss l/n likes the way you're talking to her." George says taking Draco's hand away from my wrist leaving him and pucey with looks of great distaste.
"You're late!" I say releived that they showed up when they did.
"Come on now y/n/n I think I need to be tutored too, but not the way their playing at." He says glaring at the boys as he takes my hand and leads me away but not before warning the jerks that they would be next on the list to get pranked and badly at that.

I teach the boys for some time with the two idiots still glaring at them from across the room as me and the twins laugh and joke about how flower growing could come quite in handy with pranks in the future. We do this for a while until professor sprout tells us that we can go back to our houses Fred, George, and I start to head back to the common room but the twins say they needed to take care of something back at the class room and I don't think much of it I just get back to hermione, ginny, and I's dorm and pass out as soon as I hit the bed, I'm exhausted and decide I'll tell the girls about what happened with pucey and malfoy in the morning.

Helloooo I know I haven't updated in a while but I haven't been getting as good of feedback on this story as I have on my others and it kinda sucks so if you do read this lol comment and leave your opinion!

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