horror at the cup

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Once we all get settled in Mr. Weasley tells us we have about an hour before we have to start heading over to the stadium.
"Come with us!" I hear Ginny and Hermione yell as they drag me into our room and throw me onto one of the beds leaving all the boys in the living room looking confused.
"We're only gonna ask one more time, what's going on between you and Cedric!" Ginny asks looking at me hopefully.
"Nothing I don't think." I say honestly because I've never thought about it before.
"Well he obviously likes you." Hermione says from the other bed pretty matter of factly.
"No he doesn't." I say confused. "Why do you think that?"
"Not only did he come to talk to you before anyone else after he greated dad, but he also tried to stop you from getting hurt when we came through the portky." Ginny says making me rethink everything that's happened today.
"And not to mention fred definitely didn't look or sound happy after he 'saved' you back there." Hermione says with a smirk.
"Well neither fred or george looked happy." I say but right after I do Mr. Weasley comes in saying that its time to leave.
we get to the stadium and start walking to our seats up the long stairs, all talking happily excited for the game. I've left my normal position with the girls to talk to fred and george about the game and who they thinks gonna win, but then I hear the most annoying foul voice that I remember from school.
"We're sitting in the ministers box!" I hear Draco say ughh why does he always have do be such a slimy git ( I learned that one from the twins).
"Don't boast Draco!" Oh no who's this don't tell me... Yup its his dad.
"Don't tell me arthor you're still hanging around these types of people?" he says as he gestures to me and hermione , being that we are muggle borns, that ass!
"Hey don't you dare talk that way about them!" I hear ron and harry say as fred grabs me by my waist as to 'protect' me if he tries anything.
"Boys!" Mr. Weasley says glaring at ron and harry.
"But if I do say so myself you do look very good y/l/n." Draco says with a smirk looking at me up and down.
"I'm a muggle born remember what would you want with me MALFOY!" I say spitting his name out of my mouth, only to be pulled back more by fred as draco looks as though he's gonna slap me.
"Let's be going Draco!" His father says walking away towards his lush fancy seats.
I walk with fred still holding onto me and me onto him im still angry. I feel violated somehow, the way he looked at me made me feel creeped out not to mention the way his father talked about me.... But none of that mattered we got to our seats and had a blast routing for either team. It didn't matter to me who won that was the most fun I'd had in a long time and it totally got my mind off of disgusting draco and his dad.

We get back to the tent ron ranting about how great victor krum is and how he's like a god and a .... Bird? I couldn't help but laugh as the twins danced around him and acted all silly.
But just then a ton of bangs sounded from outside the tent.
"Looks like the Irish got their pride on." the twins joked.
"It's not the Irish we need to get out of here now! George ginny is your responsibility!" Mr. Weasley says and we all rush out of the tent as I grab the small enchanted bag with all of my things for the trip and my wand, the twins grab me and ginny by the hands george taking ginny, leaving the trio behind but as we're running through the croud my and Fred's hands separate and I'm left in the rush of people but soon get hit in the head and fall down and black out.When I finally wake up I'm met face to face with a man dressed in all black wearing a death eater mask with a murdurous look in his eyes. I imediently tried to get up screaming for someone to help but he quickly pushed me back down. Not knowing what to do I lay there terrified as he rolls up the sleeve on my cardigan allowing him access to my arm about to my elbow then taking a knife out of his pocket.
"No!" I scream wanting anyone to hear "someone help!"

Before I knew it he was carving something into my arm leaving trails of blood streaming down to the mulch covered ground. Once he's finished and satisfied with his work he gets up, but before leaving plants a hard kick to my stomach. Leaving me there to presumably wait for someone anyone to show up. Or to die...

I hear someone calling my name a familiar voice that keeps getting closer but I can't see.
"Here..." I barely croak out but still getting his attention, falling at my side.
"I'm so sorry y/n I didn't mean to let your hand go you just got lost in the croud, this is all my fault" fred says saddened seeing me in my hurt and somewhat broken state as I lay there tears in my eyes, lifeless.
"Freddie its not your fault, really." I say trying to get up but ending up back on the ground within seconds landing on my arm now dripping blood onto the already blood stained red ground and coating my dress in the thick blood.
"Man! I really liked this dress!" I say trying to lighten the mood and fred starts to laugh a little before he notices what I'm talking about and all the blood streaming from my arm.
"We gotta get you to the burrow y/n" fred says looking scared as he picks me up bridal style where I curl up into his chest probably getting blood on his shirt hoping he won't care and passing out not long after.
I wake up to molly hovering over me on the couch back at the burrow.
"Oh thank god you're awake!" Molly says engulfing me in a big bear hug, it hurt but I didn't care only slightly wincing in pain.
"Oh dear it must hurt so much I'm sorry!" She apologized.
"Its ok really!" I say giving her a weak but big smile. I look around the room and see fred sleeping in an arm chair next to the couch facing me, he must have been here all night.
"He felt so bad having lost you y/n. He knows you said not to blame himself but he can't help it, he's been there all night waiting for you to wake up." Molly says looking sadly at her sleeping son.
"I'll talk to him about this later I really don't want him to balme himself." I say as george walks into the room.
"Y/n! You're ok!" George yells as he runs to me giving me a big hug in the process.
"Shhhh!" I whisper "he's been up all night." I say pointing to his brother who was thankfully still asleep in the chair not far away.
I decided to get up and make breakfast for everyone thanking them for taking care of me and harry who I had learned had gotten hurt as well.
I was in the kitchen cooking omlets the muggle way because I think they turn out better when you don't use magic, but in the other room fred was waking up. When he got up I wasn't sleeping on the couch where he had left me. In my place was his brother with a cup of tea in his hands looking sad.
"What's wrong?" Fred asks looking concerned. "Where's y/n!?"
"Freddie..." George says with a sad broken look on his face. "Y/n died last night.... We didn't want to wake you but she passed."
"No...." Fred says looking as though he's broke inside.
I decided to cut Georges little prank short a bit...
"Hey fred? What do you want in your omlet?" I ask walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.
"Oh thank God you're alright!" Fred says running to me tackling me in a hug and kissing the top of my head which made my face start to burn up.
"I decided george had had enough fun torturing you, and decided to cut his little act short before it went to far." I say looking over to george who was laughing from the couch.
"Its not funny george! You made me think she died! I already blame myself for her getting hurt I don't need to think im responsible for her death too!" Fred says yelling at George who looks kinda like he regretted what he had said.
"Fred I told you! You are not responsible for me getting hurt!" I say making him calm down a bit.
"But.... I was the one who was holding onto..." Fred says getting cut off by me.
"Its not your fault! Now.... Come help me cook the omlets." I say wanting to change the subject.

I hope you like this chapter!

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