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"You got tickets to the quittich world cup?!" I ask extremely excited and so shocked that they were gonna take me.
"Yeah dad got them from work at the ministry!" George says, as they both light up at how excited I got, they love it when I get passionate about these things, especially quittich. We were all on quittich teams at Hogwarts except I was the lead chaser on the hufflepuff team and they were the bearers for the gryffindor team.
"Oh my god and you're gonna take me?!" I ask overjoyed at the thought of watching two of my favorite teams battle it out for first!
"Of course gotta have our partner in crime there!" Fred says wrapping his arm around one of mine and george doing the same with the other. They start to drag me off but I stop them, laughing.
"Boys! Boys! I have to get changed and get packed and even see if my parents are ok with me going first before I just up and leave!" They look down at me looking as though they had forgotten that small little issue. My parents barely let me go anywhere during summer seeing as though I was half way across the world for school the most of the year.
"Well let's go ask them!" George says with a big smile a bit nervous but still hopeful.

We walk back towards my neighbors house where I just came from and as we walked through the screen door my parents and neighbors whip their heads around to see me soaked standing in between two unfamiliar boys equally as soaked.
"Y/n who the hell are these two?!" My dad asks raising his voice being over protective as always, even though I've told my parents about Fred and George and the "golden trio" so many times before.
"Mom, Dad, this is fred and george weasly and their my best friends from school." I say and they soon understand and continue with the questions a slight bit nicer this time though.
"So why are you two boys here?" My mom asks getting out of the pool standing in front of the three of us. we all look extremely disheveled from the rain and all the wind, nice first impression boys. With their long hair plastered down to the side of their faces all tangled and sticking in all kinds of directions, their jeans and sweaters, not at all matching Florida's heat waves, now soaked and dripping, and being probably a little too close to me even though they're my best friends.
"Actually mam! We came to ask for your permission to take y/n to a big sporting event back home and was wondering if that would be ok? If not, that's fine but we know how much y/n would love it!" Fred says extremely too nice for my liking... What was he playing at?
"Well... We do like having y/n here for summer but seing as though were coming up on the end of summer pretty soon here it should be ok right (y/d/n)?" My mom asks questioning my dad.
"Sure. They seem nice enough." My dad says which makes me extremely excited but I'm also confused they would never usually leave with two people they just met but I guess Fred's unusual kindness won them over. I get to go to the quittich world cup!!!!!!
I quickly thank my parents and go back next door to pack, the twins following suit. I quickly grab my trunk from the corner of my room as I start loading not only my school robes but all the clothes I would need for the cup and for our trips to hogsmede this year!
"Why don't you just bewitch your trunk so you can put anything in it?" George asks me as him and Freddie sit on my bed looking questioningly at my trunk as it over flows.
"Oh my gosh yeah why didnt I think of that?" I say shooting a spell at my trunk letting all my clothes fall neatly in still throwing more its way as the boys fold them with their wands as they go into the bag. I must be too excited to go to the cup I'm forgetting my basics.

"Done!" I say finally closing my trunk which seemed to have half of my closet in it.
"Finally!" The twins yelled. "We thought you'd never be done!"
"Well? Let's go then!" I say as I start my way towards the door.
"Ummm y/n forgetting something?" George says nudgeing me in the chest as I look down I'm still in just a shirt and my bathing suit.
"Oh god I forgot" I say pulling out my wand and slowly run it up from my toes to the top of my head not only fixing my clothes into my usual black jeans and crop hoodie with converse but also fixing my h/l, h/c hair detangling it and making it so it fell nicely on my back.
"Now I'm done!" Looking at an astonished set of twins in front of me. "What?" I ask as the gock up at me as they sit on my bed.
"You gotta teach us that!" They say in unison.

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