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Ok... so I've been gone for a long ass time and I havent even like opened this story for so long but I FINALLY think I'm going to start writing it again! I'm gonna try at least I know that the previous chapters probably suck at this point and there are much more talented writers on the platform but none the less I'm going to start up again!!! If you even see this I love you! Thank you so much for staying with my sorry butt! I've LITERALLY ghosted you for a year so dont hate me too much the next few chapters might be rough as well as a start getting back into it but I hope you stay tuned!

 so I've been gone for a long ass time and I havent even like opened this story for so long but I FINALLY think I'm going to start writing it again! I'm gonna try at least I know that the previous chapters probably suck at this point and there are...

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