The train to Hogwarts

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Once everyone had gotten ready and headed downstairs for breakfast I handed out everyones omlets and we all started eating.
"Yes, Make the hurt girl cook breakfast." Ron says jokingly making us all laugh.
"I wanted to Ron." I say giggling.
"So y/n? How's the arm?" Mr. Weasley asks motioning to my wrapped up left arm.
"I don't know I haven't looked at it yet. Was it bad last night?" I ask having not actually seen it yet.
"Oh it was dreadful!" Ginny says earning a glare from Molly.
"It wasn't that bad... But you should see it." She says looking down at her plate then starts to get up.
"Ok" I say getting up and following her, Mr. Weasley and the twins into the kitchen, molly sitting me down in a chair by the sink so she can clean it up a bit before I see it.
When she finally unwraps the bandage hiding my wound from the world I look at it with horror spread across my face.
"This is why I wanted you to see it." She says as I'm still staring in complete and utter horror at the word sprawled across my arm.
"Mudblood..." I say my voice barely audible trailing off at the end. The dark red letters ingraved deep into the skin on my arm starting already to scan up made me sick to my stomach.
I started to bawl my eyes out not only that I knew that it would scar, that this would be on my arm forever but also terrified at how they knew I was a muggle born. Soon the twins both wrapped me in loving hugs as I cried into their shoulders. 'How? How the hell did they know....?'
"I don't know either." Fred says almost reading my mind.
"None of us did." George finishes his sentence but unlike normal where it would make me laugh, this time it made me cry even harder.
A few days went by and I ended up staying at the weasleys for the rest of the last week of summer just as expected, with the scar and the night of the world cup pushed forcefully into the back of my mind, we actually had some fun. The twins and I played lots of pranks most of which involving their brother Percy, who if I do say so myself is quite a stick in the mud, he didnt laugh once at any of our pranks, which were hilarious if I do say so myself. We also went on little day trips down to the lake that was across the medow from their house, which was quite fun and everyone had a fantastic time, even when I did go in the water though I still took the time to cover up my now scared arm, which made me extremely self conscious.

But after our fun filled days came to an end it was finally time to board the train to Hogwarts. I said my goodbyes to Molly and Mr. Weasley, as did the rest, and me and the twins went to find our usual compartment with Lee Jordan. But before we could find the compartment I was again tackled in a huge hug from another tall boy.
"Oh my God y/n I heard what happened are you alright! My father told me what happened after the cup. I went looking for you at your tent but it had already been burned down when I got there. Oh God are you ok?"
"Yes yes I'm fine Cedric! Don't worry..." I say smiling at first then remembering the events of that night and my smile falling off my face.
"Are you sure? If something happened I want you to tell me."
"Nothing happened Cedric. I'm sorry I have to go find Lee" I say, sad that i had to lie to him but i wasn't ready to tell him what happened. Fred and George looked slightly angry that he had pushed me for details but said nothing as we walked to find our usual compartment.
"Why are you always here so early Lee?" I say giving him a long over due hug as we all sit down.
"Well couldn't have any first years taking our spot now could we?" He says laughing a bit making the twins chuckle but I had drifted off, thinking about that night. 'Why?' I had no reason but it still found its way to my mind.
"Y/n? Y/n!?" Lee yells my name as he's waving his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention.
"Oh yeah sorry." I say snapping back into reality and away from the dark scene playing out in my head.
A few minutes pass and I'm looking out the window as fred and george are talking about furthering our products and maybe trying to sell them, as Lee reads the paper.
"That's actually a good idea guys!" I say suddenly getting back into the mood to talk about something fun. "Imagine all of the students who want to get out of snapes class atleast for a day!" Which gets the twins laughing hysterically. But Lee just looks up from his paper shock on his face.
"What's wrong Lee?" Asks george to a now less shocked Lee.
"I forgot! You guys went to the world cup right? I got the pictures you sent me!" Lee says looking scared and just then I know what he's talking about making me look back out of the window destroying my good mood.
"Yeah?" Fred says confused, I mean fred really how do you not know what hes getting at?
"You must have been in all that commotion after! Is everyone alright?!" Lee asks hoping the answers yes, unfortunately its not.
"Well... Harry got pretty shook up and had a nasty bump on his head... And y/n well..." Fred says sadly looking over at me.
"Its ok y/n if you don't wanna talk about it. It really is." George says and fred wraps his arm around me... Why has he been doing that so much lately? But it always makes me feel better...
"No its fine..." I say as I turn from George back to Lee. "Its not anyone's fault really... What happened I mean... Fred. Its not your fault.." I say more directly knowing what he's thinking already, turning to a sullen Fred. "I was attacked by a dark wizard..." I say looking down at my arm. "And..." I say tearing up a bit.
Fred tightens his grip around my waist making it easier to tell Lee the horrific details.
"And he carved a word... An unspeakable word, into my arm..." I say looking down at my arm fidgeting with the sleave a bit then I slowly start to roll up the arm of my jacket, which was there exactly to prevent this same scenario.
"Oh my god!" Lee says as he realizes what's been permanently written in my skin. Now a tear rolls down my cheak and quickly pull my jacket back down.
"I'm so sorry y/n..." Lee says looking down at his feet.
"Well Its not your fault" I say slightly laughing which brightened the mood slightly I guess.... Not really.
We finally stop pulling into hogsmede station where we then take the cariges to Hogwarts.

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