agro mode x2

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Fred's point of view♡

George and I tell y/n that we had some business to take care of back in the class room and she just said ok and probably didn't care she was probably so tired after a full day of classes and having to tutor those gits malfoy and pucey who were harassing y/n yet again, I know she doesn't care but it still boils my blood.
"Oi! Pucey! Malfoy! Can we have a word?" I yell anger and disgust clearly in my voice as we catch up to them.
"What do you want weasel? shouldnt you be off with my girl?" Pucey says as they come to a stop, bad choice. I grab pucey by the collar and slam him up against the wall. Usually I'd get them back by pranking them, which don't get me wrong we're still gonna do but I think things like this especially involving best friends deserve a little more than just a prank.
"Don't you talk about her that way she is sure not your girl!" I yell at pucey who looks pretty scared now 'good job Freddie!'
"Oh come on weasley we didn't mean to get your panties in a twist we just dont appreciate things that threaten our purity, even though she is cute." Malfoy says a smirk on his face.
And then I see my brother punch malfoy square in the face.
"Good one george!" I say laughing but soon stopping turning back to pucey who had started mouthing off again.
"I mean can you blame us, with a face like that?" He says and I knew if y/n was here she would have slapped him so I did the next best thing and punched him in the eye. 'Ohhhh that's gonna be a black eye'
"And let me just tell you both if you tell anyone else about this including a teacher I will tell everyone about how you wet yourself on the train last year because of a dementor." I say making it clear to malfoy and him that there would be serious consequences.
"And don't forget about puking pastilles in your pumpkin juice every morning." George says adding a new use to our new inventions.
With that we part ways with the slimy gits going crawling back to their common room in the dungens where they belong. We go back to our dorms too I quickly wash up and clean my now bruised and cut up hand, but I like it its not only a battle scar but it also makes me look more manly. I smile a goofy grin and head to bed proud for sticking up for my lovely best friend.
Back to y/n pov
The next morning I walked down to breakfast and sat down in my normal spot near ginny and Hermione waiting for the twins to show up, but they didn't.
"I wonder where the twins are." I say as I eat the rest of my breakfast they had already half missed breakfast.
"There they are now!" Ginny says making me turn to the two tall boys sauntering over to our table looking slightly disheveled as always.
"Where the heck were you guys? I was about to go looking for you!" I say as they both get nervous smiles on their faces.
"Well we had to get cleaned up." George says as they both put their hands on the table revealing wrapped up and bloody hands.
"Oh my god what the heck happened to you are you alright? Do you need the nurse? I can take you! Are you ok?" I spew out looking their hands over making sure everything still works.
"Y/n/n we're fine a little sore but fine!" George says pitting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.
"Really you should see the other guys!" Fred says making me laugh as he guestures over to the Slytherin table where two grotesque boys both have nasty black eyes that they're holding ice to.
"Oh no! You didn't?" I ask the twins, a worried look on my face, asking, pleading to know if they got caught. If molly found out they'd be royally screwed. And if they got even more detention for me I'd be pissed its not like its the first time.
"Yeah we did!" Fred says with a look of pride. "They are slimy foul creatures that messed with you y/n! They deserved what they got!"
"Really they were jerks even after you left. You should have heard the things they were saying! Ughh! It got us soooooo mad!" George says losing his temper again.
I wrap them in a giant bear hug, one almost up to their mothers par. "Thank you so much boys!" I say and they both hug me back.
"I'm sorry? They harassed you?" Hermione asked looking like she was about to kill malfoy and pucey, as did ginny and the rest of the trio and their friends.
"Oh well its not that big of a deal really..." I say not wanting them to go ballistic like the twins.
"Oh stop it y/n if you won't tell them I will its been going on for ages." Fred says looking me straight in the eyes disappointment clouding his normally hazel eyes.
"Fine" I say finally telling the story of how they kept calling me either a mud blood and disgrace or hot during tutoring and about all of the foul and masty things they said about me.
"They're horrid gits and I wish I could have beaten them up with fred and george!" Ginny says now fuming with anger towards the two idiots across the great hall.
"I mean honestly y/n/n how did you put up with that and not punch one of them?!" Hermione asks on the edge of her seat, I thought she would walk right across the room and punch them herself.
"I don't know I just didn't want to get in trouble for those guys." I say trying to justify the reality that I just couldn't fight back and I didn't know how.
"If we would have known malfoy would have ate dirt a while ago!" Ron says and harry nodding in agreement next to him.
"Thank you guys." I say not knowing what else to do.

We all finish eating and head back up to our common rooms to grab the books we need for our classes that day. I stuff them into my pouch that I've enchanted to be able to hold infinite objects and hang that around my waist off my belt.
I have a really interesting class ahead that I am really excited for.

Hi yeah so I'm sorry I haven't written anything recently I've kinda had writers block and haven't been that motivated to write but I finally wrote this next chapter so I hope you like it! :)

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