◌ Thirty Nine ◌

696 49 139

"Save her! Save her!"

"She can't breathe!"


It was bad.

Very bad.

Everything had been going great. The guys took Helena outside to the shore to play. She built a sandcastle, dipped her toes in the water, and swung from a tiny swing Dallon fastened to a tree. Then when a bunch of the guys went swimming while Frank and Brendon stayed with the baby. Brendon, getting hot and impatient, decided he would take Helena with him in the ocean. Frank didn't stop him, thinking it would be safe.

I'll let you find out what happened. 

Let's time skip back to before she drowned, shall we? Right after they took her outside.


RIght after they took her outside


"Look, Helena! It's sand!" Gerard said, Helena clinging to his hip and smiling.

"Bingo." She said quietly.

"SHE SAID IT AGAIN!" Everyone yelled, excited.

The wind blew slightly and Helena giggled. It blew in her hair and messed up her hair clip.

"Hey Frank can you fix her hair?" Gerard asked, unable to fix it himself since he was holding her.

"What's wrong with it?" Frank asked.

"Look at her barrette. Can you take it out and put it back in?"

Frank unclipped Helena's barrette and slid it back in her hair. "Boy she has a lot of hair for a six month old."

"Frank you didn't do it correctly. Look, it's next to her eye."

Frank sighed and tried again.

"Now it's way too high up. It's literally a quarter of an inch away from being on top of her head." Gerard said.

"Oh my gosh! Let me hold her while you do it!" Frank said.

Gerard handed Frank Helena. Sadly, she started to cry. Frank frowned. "I'm not going to hurt you." He looked upset that Helena didn't want him to hold her. Gerard slid the clip in Helena's hair and kissed her head before taking her back. He soothed her and stopped the crying.

"Why does she hate me?" Frank asked.

"She doesn't hate you! She just... knows you're not good with kids." Gerard said awkwardly.

"Is it that obvious?"

"No! Not at all! I mean, to a baby it is but uh... yeah it's not really... you're fine."

"Guys come on!" Ryan yelled. "Let's build her a sandcastle!"

Gerard carried Helena over to the pack where she was scooped up by Pete. Pete sat her in his lap and held her hands out in front of her. He patted the sand down for her as they built the castle. Helena laughed and hit the castle, creating a mini landslide. Everyone laughed except Brendon who was sad to see their hard work ruined.

Helena flopped out of Pete's arms and rolled around on the sand smiling. She babbled and reached out her arms toward Pete who picked her back up and rocked her back and forth. He smiled down at her and rubbed her head.

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